When you see something as it is:
YouTube has become a haven for the bitter, broken, and morose. You can observe it, partake in its intellectually dishonest and emotionally polluted waters, and perhaps even add a portion of your benighted and vagabond humor to this smoldering trashpile of derivative comedy and misaligned truisms. You may hide behind skewed platitudes and incomplete statistics to brow beat other persons and bots into the line your narrative sets before you as a standard. But when you log off from whatever fantasy novel you are trying to write or cause celebre you are trying to promote all that is left is you and the darkness you attempt to quell within yourself: that you give away, and verbally and emotionally batter others into bearing for you, because it doesn't it SHOULDN'T belong to you.
But it finds you.
It knows your name.
And you had better name it before it eats the last of that cancer you bear within you that you mistakenly call a soul...
Have a good night....