Just a dash of this, a sprinkle of that, a fist full of something or another, sw and an over the shoulder toss of what - cha - ma - call - it..and..um..yea..THAT looks about right lmao!!! Jp! (Uh, Not really lol) I have SUCH a wide variety of hobbies, likes, musical tastes, movies and so on. The list is a NEVER-ENDING! IT'S C - R - A - Z - Y! BUT, it's what makes me: ME!? And I'm 100% o.k. with that!! So..WITHOUT further ado; WELCOME TO MY CHANNEL!!! So grab a snack, come on back, & Let's. Get. This. Party. Started. Right!! #Besos #TeAmoLaFamilia #Smooches #Hugs #LetsBeDifferentAndWeirdTogether #DontJudge #JudgeFreeZone #AllSmilesOverHere #HustleHardPlayHarder #OneLove