Devoted To Yah. Yah is the short Hebrew Name of our Creator YAHUAH also known as Yahweh or Yahovah. In Ancient Hebrew the letters of the Fathers name (YHUH) are described as Hand Behold Nail Behold. Backwards thats Behold Nail Behold Hand. The name of His Son is YAHUSHA also known as Yahushua, Yashua, Joshua and Jesus. which means YAH IS SALVATION. His hands were pierced for our sins on the cross/stake Zechariyah 12:10. YAHUAH became flesh and died for our sins. Sin is the transgression of the TORAH which Christianity has termed the LAW. We must obey the Law if we are to confirm that we love Him and believe we were saved by grace through faith and are making every attempt to live right for Him.
Merch coming soon 🔥