Hi! myself Ranjit Khurwal Ricky, Welcome to my channel Khurwal GAMING! Here you will see me playing MULTIPLE games on Android Mobile, ios as well as on pc
From Some INTENSE game-plays to some of the most COMIC Roleplays you will find all of this here in one place! no need to search further for your favorite channel cause I will win that heart of yours
I enjoy playing with subscribers and well as my channel sponsors (members) too! so make sure to join the channel membership if you want to support me as well as have fun with me!
I am a Full-Time Streamer so if you feel like I'm going wrong somewhere feel free to share a piece of your mind with me cause, after all, we all learn from our mistakes! you can't learn to fly if you never fall right?
Watch my videos and live streams and let's grow our Indian Gaming Community to unforeseen heights!
FOR BUSINESS PURPOSE: technokhurwal@gmail.com