Hello,my name is Sharon Garrick .I love Fashion, Beauty,Travel, Lifestyle and all things Inspirational.I was born in the Turks & Caicos Islands ,where I grew up and spent most of my life,l lived in the US for a short awhile , Upstate in Poughkeepsie.I moved to the United Kingdom 8 years ago.I am embracing life each day and all that comes with it.The good ,the bad and the ugly.I've wanted to start a channel for a long while now ,but didn't know how to start.One day after experiencing a frightening medical issue,of being diagnosed with Fibromyalgia,which there is no cure yet,I’m praying that the do.I’ve started out by by documenting my Health and fitness journey,and the rest is history.Learning as I grow.Enjoying and appreciating intentionality this journey through life.I am a work in Progress .My goal is to inspire ,if only it be one person’s life .I’m filled with wisdom ,which cannot be bought ,and can only be experienced through life’
struggles of up and down.