The word Entelechea (en-tell-a-key-a) refers to the innate potential of all things. The Entelechea of an acorn is an oak tree. This group is dedicated to exploring our own human potential as “god seeds” to become the Divine Beings we are. This includes all aspects of Spirit, Mind and Body.
Twin Flames, Dr. Rusty Barrier and Dr. Tricia Seymour have traveled the world working with Sufi masters, Hindu gurus, Buddhist monks and nuns, Native American Shamans, Indigenous healers, Kabbalistic rabbis, and a Shaolin master. They have studied many different healing modalities and they are both licensed psychotherapists, hypnotherapists, energy healers, Reiki masters, traditional naturopaths, intuitive practitioners, interfaith ministers, and wellness coaches.
We are here to uplift and encourage, no bullying or abusive behavior will be tolerated.
Love & Light,
Dr. Rusty Barrier & Dr. Tricia Seymour