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FedeFreckle's Channel

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FedeFreckle's Channel
Posted 6 months ago

Hey there people! I would love to go back and make new videos in order to monetize my channel, but first I need to ask you some advice: what kind of video would you like to see from me? Please choose from the poll below.

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FedeFreckle's Channel
Posted 3 years ago

Did you guys like the Supernatural Series Finale?

6 - 2

FedeFreckle's Channel
Posted 3 years ago


[ENG] Hi, I watched the last episode yesterday afternoon and I'm still pretty shook. I feel weird because I've been watching Supernatural for 15 years and now I feel like I've lost a dear friend. Do you know what I mean?

I'm glad that Sammy was finally able to live the life he always wanted: a normal life, with a family, afar from dangers and the supernatural things. It was truly beautiful, especially the final scene, when he dies in peace holding his son's hand. I loved everything Dean said to Sam on his deathbed, especially "I love you so much", "my baby brother", "you're so strong", "you're so smart", "keep fighting" . It was very painful to watch and I am surprised how I managed to do it without losing lucidity, because I was really in a stream of tears.

I have to be honest though, I didn't really like the way Dean died. Pierced by a nail because of those vampire-men or whatever they were, in a barn. A "dumb" death for a badass character like him, who has gone through thousands of vicissitudes, who did the unimaginable, who never gave up on anything. In fact I find it incredible that he gave up so easily, so quickly, just after a few days that he finally got rid of Chuck and the power that he had always had over the life of the Winchesters, manipulating and torturing them as he pleased.
I wantedt Dean to finally enjoy a little bit of this "new" life as a free hunter, but it didn't last a week apparently.
I know Dean has always wanted to die this way, but I found it unfair, somehow I wish he didn't die so young. I wish they would have died TOGETHER, at the same time, or nothing at all.

"YOU AND ME AGAINST THE WORLD" It' s always been the two of them against everyone else and I wanted to see them fight one last time, saving the world and dying TOGETHER. That's why I think that, maybe, this last episode wasn't necessary, because the ending of episode 19 was quite conclusive itself and yet open. It leaves the public the free imagination / interpretation of what would happen next.
Anyway, after recently watching many bad and disappointing endings, such as Game of Thrones ending or The 100 ending, I think this one can pass as acceptable. It wasn't inconsistent, it wasn't senseless or pointless. Just a little too tragic for me, but hey, it's Supernatural after all, what did we expect?

Farewell to this wonderful series that has made me company for the last 15 years of my life. I grew up with Sam and Dean. They have become my friends, my second family and I will miss them very much. All this seems kinda unreal to me, but everything comes to an end sooner or later. THANK YOU, Supernatural.


[ITA] Salve, Ho guardato l'episodio ieri pomeriggio e ancora sono abbastanza scossa. Mi sento strana perchè guardo Supernatural da 15 anni e ora mi sembra come se avessi perso un amico d'infanzia. Non so se ho dato l'idea di ciò che voglio dire.

Sono contenta per Sammy, perchè ha finalmente potuto vivere la vita che ha sempre voluto: una vita normale, con una famiglia, lontano dai pericoli e dalla caccia al soprannaturale. E' stato veramente bellissimo, soprattutto la scena finale di lui anziano che muore in pace tenendo la mano del figlio.
Ho amato tutto ciò che Dean ha detto a Sam in punto di morte, specialmente "I love you so much" , "my baby brother", "you're so strong", "you're so smart", "keep fighting". E' stato dolorosissimo guardare quella scena e mi sorprendo di come io sia riuscita a farlo senza perdere la lucidità, perchè ero davvero in un mare di lacrime.

Devo essere sincera però, non mi è piaciuto molto il modo in cui Dean è morto. Trafitto da un chiodo a causa di quegli uomini-vampiro o quello che fossero, in un fienile. Una morte un po' "scialba" per un personaggione cazzuto come lui, che ha attraversato migliaia di peripezie, che ha fatto l'inimmaginabile, che non si è mai arreso davanti a nulla. Di fatti mi sembra un po' assurdo che si sia arreso così facilmente, così velocemente, proprio dopo pochi giorni che finalmente si era liberato di Chuck e del potere che quest'ultimo aveva sempre avuto sulla vita dei Winchester, manipolandoli e torturandoli a suo piacimento. Pensavo che Dean potesse finalmente godersi un po' questa "nuova" vita da cacciatore libero, ma non è durata nemmeno una settimana possibilmente.
So bene che Dean ha sempre voluto morire così, ma l'ho trovato ingiusto, avrei voluto che non morisse così giovane. Avrei preferito vederli morire entrambi INSIEME, nello stesso momento, oppure niente.

"YOU AND ME AGAINST THE WORLD" sono sempre stati loro due contro tutti e avrei voluto vederli lottare un ultima volta salvando il mondo e morendo insieme. Ecco perchè penso che, forse questo ultimo episodio non era necessario, perchè in fondo il finale dell'episodio 19 era abbastanza conclusivo, seppur aperto. Lasciava lo spettatore alla libera immaginazione/interpretazione di ciò che sarebbe accaduto dopo.
Ad ogni modo, dopo aver visto finali molto brutti e deludenti, come ad esempio quello di Game of Thrones, o The 100, penso che questo possa passare come accettabile. Non è stato incoerente, tanto meno insensato. Semplicemente un po' troppo tragico, ma dopotutto è Supernatural, cosa potevamo aspettarci?

Addio a questa meravigliosa serie che mi ha accompagnato negli ultimi 15 anni della mia vita. Sono cresciuta con Sam e Dean. Sono diventati miei amici, la mia seconda famiglia e mi mancheranno tantissimo. Tutto questo mi sembra surreale, ma hei, tutto finisce prima o poi. THANK YOU, Grazie Supernatural.

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FedeFreckle's Channel
Posted 3 years ago

I am seriously disappointed from the 100 series finale. It was actually one of the worst, if not the worst tv show endings that I've seen. What about you guys? Did you like it? I'm so mad. I feel insulted, honestly. That ending was inconsistent, without any sense and Bellamy wasn't even there. Are they serious? Of course they chose Lexa, because we know that Jason has always been the bigger ass licker! He fooled all the bellarke fans so that they would stay true to the show until the end and he fooled all the Clexa fans so that they would stay true until the end as well, and given that all the Bob/Bellamy stans hate him now, OF COURSE he decided to bring back Lexa so that at least one part of the Fandom would be happy. I AM SO DISGUSTED. Anyway.. I still enjoyed the rest of the seasons, because they gave me many feelings and teachings, but I will NEVER watch the 100 again. I won't make any more fan-edits about the 100 again. Because that would mean wasting my time over something that doesn't worth it.

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