Welcome Marg® Erp Ltd.
With more than 1 Million plus satisfied users, 800 + sales & support centers, Marg ERP has been a true leader in easing the adaption process of GST.
MARG ERP Ltd. has its expertise in providing the perfect customized inventory and accounting solutions for all businesses to get GST compliant.
Marg ERP is a leading software application provider in GST and has been a key player in helping businesses in smoother transition into GST. We deliver inventory and accounting software solution to optimize businesses and help them in this GST transformation journey.
Marg has always believed in adding value and sustainability to the ever changing business environment and is a key player in serving both the SMEs and MSMEs
Marg ERP provides comprehensive Payroll Software "HRxpert" which has enriched features like attendance software, payroll software,leave management etc helping businesses in smoother transition into GST.