Hello to all of you I'm birds lover specially Parrots and have many pets.l like cooking,Real estate Owner,Sports lover specially Cricket,Football,Current Affairs of any type in the world.I also like Information and mobile technology.I will show the social Activities which happening surrounded to me.I love village life and will explore many thing regarding the life of urban and rural.will show you my daily Activities of my life.I love nature and traveling all over the world.My purpose of creating this channel to upload any thing mentioned above.My aim to spread peace in the world and this is one and only important thing for me.Stay safe keep smiling and spread the happiness in the world hope you all would like to support me by watching,sharing,Liking and commenting My channel #LiveWorld l must need your suggestion for betterment in my videos.In last I'm not perfect but always try my best to be perfect. Always Keep me remember in your prayers.
Live world