This channel is dedicated to John Trudell.
John Trudell Biography from
John Trudell has been identified as a poet, a fighter for Native American rights, an agitator, and lots of other things.
But if you were to have asked him which of these descriptions best suits him he would have refused to be pinned down. “Actually I don’t consider myself to be any of those things. They’re things that I do…but they’re parts of me. They’re not the total.” Indeed, Trudell was the complex sum of all that he saw, endured and accomplished in his 69 years, a time in which he experienced more than most people might in several lifetimes.
John Trudell did not set out to be a poet. He never studied poetry in school. He took that road primarily through a series of detours, and his poetic and political sensibilities were forged by the remarkable, sometimes horrifying circumstances of his life.
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