in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
Channel Dhink Zhein merupakan Channel yang mengupas tentang Kehidupan atau kegiatan Di Desa,,Baik kegiatan Pemerintahan Desa Maupun Warga Masyarakat Desa yang sifatnya Informasi, Edukasi,Serta Hiburan.
Identitas saya :
Nama : Sainal Abidin,S,Kom.I
Alamat : Desa Saotanre Kecamatan Sinjai Tengah Kab.Sinjai Provinsi Sulawesi-Selatan, Indonesia
Pekerjaan Saat Ini : Sekretaris Desa Saotanre
No Handphone : 085 398 084 679
Sosial Media Facebook #Dhink Zhein
Youtube #Dhink Zhein
email :
The Dhink Zhein Channel is a channel that explores life or activities in the village, both village government activities and village community residents that are information, education, and entertainment.
My identity :
Name : Sainal Abidin,S,Kom.I
Address : Saotanre Village, Central Sinjai District, Sinjai Regency, South-Sulawesi Province, Indonesia
Current Job : Village Secretary Saotanre