Welcome to my YouTube channel. Welcome to a world of just being myself . Authentic, vulnerable and genuine conversations. Exploring twenties can be such a huddle, but it is also a ladder that pushes us to greatness. Being a christian girl with a passion in wellness is such a task you know! I am documenting everything this stage is teaching me. I am documenting what purpose is to me, what life's meaning is at this stage. I am documenting my experiences in and with God. My vision for this channel is to create impact through my story, make people reconcile the fact that God cares for their emotions just as he does for their physical being ( 3rd John 1:2) and to raise a more self aware generation.This channel is for you! Everyone, saints and aints..
As I write this, I pray for you who passed by here, that you may find the true meaning of life and live it to it's fullness. I pray that you find something that you will relate to in this channel May your cup run over. Cheers.