It is located in front of East Gate (Lion's gate)of Lord Jagannath temple Puri Grand Centre Shopping Complex "UMA SANKER HANDICRAFTS" , Shop no. 1 . Grand Road ,PURI,ODISHA,INDIA.
All India Shipping Service Available
For contact Number 9437523420
*It deals with Jagannath idol, Dresses of deities, Varities of Shank(blowing shank,jal shank),cowdi , Shankha Chudi(bangles), Brass items(Jagannath murti,other God murti,plate,lota,Gopal,
Singhasan), Jagannath Decoration with colourful stone items , Jagannath made of stone , marble, flag,varities of mala ( Tulsi mala, moti mala, rudrakshya mala , spatic mala etc),Shiva ling, wooden sindoor ka dibbi, hand painting jagannath photos , Jagannath Ratha etc.*