in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
🍂 Shower blessings on yourself with the verses of the Holy Quran 💚💚💚
Suratul Ambiya (21:69)
Suratul Fatir (35:41)
Suratul Aale Imran (3:8-9)
Ayatul Kursi
Suratun Nur (24: 35) _to be recited on water and the water used as eyedrops_
Suratul Hashr (59:21-24) _place hand on ear and recite_
Suratul Fatiha, Suratul Ikhlas (112) complete, Suratul Qadr (97) complete and Suratun Naml (27:88)
Suratul Baqara (2:107) _3 times_
Suratul Baqara (2:72-73)
Suratul Qaaf (50:37) _recite on water and drink the water_
Suratut Taariq (86) complete
Suratul Aale Imran (3:8)
Suratul Kahf (18:27)
Suratul Hud (11:44)
Recite Suratu Bani Israil (17) complete _on water with saffron dissolved in it and drink._
Suratul Aale Imran (3:14)
Suratul Qadr (97) complete _7 times_
Suratul Hashr (59:21-24) _to be recited 3 times with hands on joints_.
Suratul Inshirah (94) complete _to be recited 3 times on the boil_
Suratul Burooj (85) complete
Suratush Shu'araa (26:80)
_waidhaa maridhtu fahuwa yashfeeeen_
🍂 Suratul Mu-minun (23:118)
_Wa qurrabbighfir warham wa anta khayrur raahimeen_
🍂 Suratu Bani Israil (17:82)
_Wanunazzilu minal Qur-ani maa huwa shifaaun wa rahmatun lilmu-mineen_
#allah #islam #prophetmuhammad #ProphetMuhammadPBUH #islamic #muslim #muslimah #islamicreminders #islamicpost #islamicquotes #Quran #medicine
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On May 26, I met one of my favorite Star, Osman Bey. His real name is Burak Ozcivit but the whole world knows him as Osman Bey. I knew the Osman Bey security protocol brothers and they also know me, so I was able to stay little close to Osman Bey for about 16 hours. Thank you very much Osman Bey's security protocol dear all brothers.
That is, I was able to go wherever he went. I could only watch from a distance getting into the car and getting out of the car again with protocol. I managed to stay outside the shooting set where Osman Bey was shooting. I only got a chance to see him from a distance.
Many true fans of Osman Bey did not get to meet Osman Bey because of the overly harsh attitude and behavior of those who invited Osman Bey to Bangladesh. Even, I myself was little close to him for about 16 hours. I myself could not take a single picture with him and I could not even meet him like that.
This was a bit painful. However, when he was at Singer Beko in Gulshan, I luckily managed to get very close to him and shake his hand amidst the throngs of fans. And I greeted him and he saw me and accepted my greeting.. This feeling is really amazing. I like it very much. The experience was great and the feeling was overwhelming 😌💚
In these 16 hours I knowing a lot about Osman Bey, I already knew he was very handsome. As beautiful as we see Osman Bey in kurulus Osman series, he is more beautiful than that in real life mashallah and he is a very humble, gentle, non-violence, unassuming and Innocent man. And the most interesting thing that impressed me a lot. That is he is a Muslim who prays for 5 times. I mean He is an Practicing Muslim,. Mashallah 💚😍
Being his fan, when I looked at his wikipedia out of curiosity, when I clicked on religious thing, it appeared that he was a practicing Muslim. Osman Bey visited Bangladesh and we found proof of Wikipedia information. The fact that he perform praying 5 times really impressed me a lot. 💚💚💚
You may say, how do you knew that, when you was little away from Osman Bey, this fact was confirmed to me by those who were constantly engaged in the service of Osman Bey.
Anyway, it was really nice to see him once in a while. In Sha Allah, I hope there will be better things next time. 💚💚💚
#burakozcivit #kurulusosman #osman #abdullah #zunayad #abdullahzunayad
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🍂 Ninth descendant of Sultan Osman Ghazi (Rh.), the founder of the Ottoman Empire or the Ottoman Caliphate. That is, the ninth Ottoman Sultan, Sultan Selim. Sultan Selim of history (1465-1520) is called the first Ottoman Caliph.💚🥀
🍂 Shah Ismail gave birth to a Shia sedition. He established an anti-Sunni state from Iran to Central Asia. It emerged as a major threat to Islam, and in 1514 Sultan Selim or Caliph Selim, he defeated the Safavid Shah Ismail. After the then Portuguese threatened the destruction of Makkah-Madinah, Sultan Selim, the first caliph or ninth sultan of the Ottoman Caliphate, sought the cooperation of the Mamluk Sultanate of Egypt.
🍂 They expressed their inability to cooperate. Later he found out that they were actually a force on the Portuguese side. As a result, he conquered Egypt and defeated the Portuguese in the suburbs of Jeddah. After that, he unified the large Muslim region including Syria, Palestine, Hejaz, and in 1517 he became the protector of Makkah-Madinah with the title of 'Khademul Haramain', the servant of the two Harams. And since then Makkah-Madinah came under the control of the Ottomans. And since then, the Ottoman Caliphate ruled Makkah and Madinah for about 400 years. 💚🥀
#Allah #islam #prophetmuhammad #Quran #Muslim #Muslimah #makkah #madinah #masjidnabawi #masjidilharam #masjid #ottoman #prayer #alafasy #ottomanempire #history #world #king #muslimworld #dirilisertugrul #ertugrulghazi #ertugrulbey #ertugrulurdu #Ertugrul #osmanbey #osmangazi #Osman #islamicreminders #tariqjameel #muftimenk
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🍂 Fasting is not About a Diet of Burning calories. Its About Burning Ego, Pride and Sins..
#Allah #Islam #Quran #prophetmuhammad #ProphetMuhammadPBUH #Muslim #muslimah #Ramadan #ramadankareem #ramadan2023 #picture
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🍂 Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said in a hadith about Lailatul Qadr 💚🥀
🍂 Narrated by Aisha (RA.) : 💚🥀
🍂 The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said : Search for Lailatul Qadr in the odd night of the last decade of Ramadan. 💚🥀
🍂 (Sahih Bukhari, Hadith No. 2017) 💚🥀
🍂 Finding Lailatul Qadr in the last decade of Ramadan and tasks :
🍂 (1) Making Dua :
🍂 Making ablution and sincerely concentrating and Maiking Dua on the great rajni of Lailatul Qadr. There is a great possibility that dua will be accepted on this night. Du'a is not a simple matter. It is said in the hadith, "Du'a is worship." [Sunan Abu Dawud, Hadith no: 1479] 💚🥀
🍂 Allah says in the Quran, "You call upon Me, and I will answer your call." [Surah al-Mu'min, verse 60] 💚🥀
🍂 (2) Read of the Tawbah-Istighfar :
🍂 The important good deed of this Lailatul Qadr night is reciting repentance and forgiveness to Allah. 💚🥀
🍂 Sayyidul Istighfar should be read more if possible. In the words of the hadith, this is the best istighfar (repentance and forgiveness from Allah) [Sahih Bukhari, Hadith No: 6306] . 💚🥀
🍂 (3) Reciting Zikr and Tasbeeh :
🍂The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said, There are two sentences which are easy to pronounce, heavy in terms of deeds and dear to Allah. It is...
سُبْحَانَ اللّٰهِ وبِحَمْدِهِ سُبْحَانَ اللّٰهِ الْعَظِيمِ
🍂 (Sub'ha-nalla-hi wa bi'hamdihi Sub'ha-nalla-hil 'azi-m) 💚🥀
🍂 Meaning: Allah is holy, praise be to Him alone; Almighty Allah is flawless. [Sahih Bukhari, Hadith No: 6682] 💚🥀
🍂 (4) Asking for forgiveness and making good dua for all believers, living and dead :
🍂 You can read the Dua of Ibrahim (A.S.) :
ﺭَﺑَّﻨَﺎ ﺍﻏْﻔِﺮْ ﻟِﻲ ﻭَﻟِﻮَﺍﻟِﺪَﻱَّ ﻭَﻟِﻠْﻤُﺆْﻣِﻨِﻴﻦَ ﻳَﻮْﻡَ ﻳَﻘُﻮﻡُ ﺍﻟْﺤِﺴَﺎﺏُ
🍂 Meaning: O our Lord Allah ! Forgive me, my parents and all the believers on the Day of Reckoning. [Surah Ibrahim, verse: 41] 💚🥀
🍂 In the hadith, when someone makes dua for an absent person, the angels say, “May it be the same for you!” [Sahih Muslim, Hadith No: 6820] 💚🥀
🍂 (5) A special Dua is recited over and over again :
🍂 Aisha (RA.) said, I said, 'O Messenger of Allah! If I understand which night is Lailatul Qadr, then what should I say on that night?' The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said, you say -
اَللّٰهُمَّ إِنَّكَ عَفُوٌّ تُحِبُّ الْعَفْوَ فَاعْفُ عَنِّيْ
🍂 [Allah-humma innaqa 'afuu-un, tu'hibbul 'afwa fa'fu 'anni] 💚🥀
🍂 Meaning : O Allah! You are forgiving, you love to forgive. So, forgive me. [Ibn Majah, Hadith No: 3850] 💚🥀
🍂 (6) Giving some charity according to one's ability :
🍂 The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said, "Every person will be under the shade of his charity (on the Field of Hashr) until the judgment between the people ends." [Musnad Ahmad, Hadith No: 17333] 💚🥀
🍂 If possible, perform Sadaqah at night. This is good. If you donate one taka, you will get the virtue of donating one taka for a thousand months (83 years). 💚🥀
🍂 This is how every act of this night will increase. Because Allah Ta'ala says, "The night of Qadr is better than a thousand months." [Surah Qadar, verse 03] 💚🥀
#Allah #Quran #prophetmuhammad #ProphetMuhammadPBUH #islam #Muslims #muslimah #osman #osmangazi #osmanbey #kurulusosman #night #salat #prayer #dua #lailatulqadar #abdullah #zunayad #abdullahzunayad
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🍂 The 17th of Ramadan marks the date of the Battle of Badr.
🍂 It was the first time Allah allowed the
Muslims to defend themselves against the
persecutors of Makkah.
🍂 After 13 years of persecution from the
Quraysh, the Prophet and the Muslims
migrated from Makkah to Madinah.
🍂 When the muslims left their homes, the
Quraysh took all of the wealth that was left
🍂 Abu Sufyan, one of the leaders of the Quraysh, took this wealth with him to Syria. He bought weapons and other goods, which he planned to attack the Muslims with.
🍂 However the Prophet heard of this and
knew Abu Sufyan would pass by Madinah
when returning to Makkah.
🍂 So he gathered a small army to capture the weapons and goods.
🍂 Abu Sufyan heard of this plan by some
travellers so he changed his route and sent a
message to Makkah calling for help.
🍂 The Quraysh prepare an army of 1,000 people to attack the muslims. When the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) found out about the army coming to attack, he gathered muslims and prepared them to defend this homes.
🍂 The total number of Muslims was 313 against an army of 1,000 Quraysh.
🍂 The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
and the muslims left Madinah and reached a place called badr,
🍂 one there the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) had a shelter made at the top go a hill, so he could have a good view of the battlefield. He remained there and due to Allah seeking help. 💚🥀
🍂 When the battle commenced, the Quraysh
kept attacking the muslims, and even though
kept they were outnumbered, the Prophet
reminding the muslims to remain strong and
have faith in Allah.
🍂 However the Muslims were not alone, Allah sent Angels to assist the muslims. 💚🥀
🍂 [Remember, O Prophet] When you said
to the believers, "Is it not enough that
your Lord will send down a reinforcement
of three thousand angels for your aid?"
🍂 Most certainly, if you believers are firm
and mindful of Allah and the enemy
launches a sudden attack on you, Allah
will reinforce you with five thousand
angels designated for battle.
[Surah Al 'Imran, Verse 124-125]
🍂The muslims won a clear victory against the larger, better equipped army. Only 14 muslims were martyred in the battle.
#Allah #islam #Muslims #muslimah #prophetmuhammad #world #islamic #history #Ramadan #Badr #makkah #madina #ProphetMuhammadPBUH
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🍂 وَ اصۡبِرۡ عَلٰی مَاۤ اَصَابَکَ
🍂 and be patient over what befalls you (Surah Luqman, Ayah : 17) 💚🥀
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This is a Green Dome of Masjid al-Nabawi, Madinah from the Ottaman Empire era. 💙💙
The current dome was built in 1818 by the orders of Ottoman Sultan Mahmud II (r. 1808 - 1839 CE). It was painted green for the first time in 1837 CE and it has been so ever since. 💙🕊️
#Allah #islam #prophetmuhammad #Quran #Muslim #Muslimah #makkah #madinah #masjidnabawi #masjidilharam #masjid #ottoman #sultan #turkey #istanbul #abdullah #zunayad #abdullahzunayad
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🍂 The Ottoman Prayer Hall of Masjid Nabawi (الجزء العثماني من مسجد النبوي) or the Ottoman prayer hall, also known as the Old Masjid al-Nabawi (المسجد النبوي القديم), 🕌💚 is the remnant of the Ottoman era building of Masjid an-Nabawi. 🕌💚 Today it is the smallest but most adorned and significant part of the Prophet's Mosque. 💚💚💚
🍂 Since the Ottoman Prayer Hall is the oldest part of the mosque and occupies the area of the original structure; it includes the tomb of prophet Muhammad, Rawdah Ridwan ul-Jannah, Mehrab Uthmani, Mehrab Suleimani, and Dikkat ul-Tahajjud. This section also includes the Green Dome, only remaining Ottoman era minaret. This area is fully roofed with domes and can be accessed through first courtyard from north, through Bab as-Salam, Bab abi Bakr and Bab al-Rehmah in the west and Bab al-Baqi, Bab Jibrael and Bab an-Nisa in the east . 💚🥀
🍂 The interior facade of the Ottoman era building from the first courtyard (حصورة الاولى) of Masjid an-Nabawi. 🕌💚 This courtyard belongs to the first Saudi expansion. The facade and the upper parts of the Ottoman era structure were painted meroon, which were recently repainted baige to match the newer color of the Saudi expansion. This area belongs to the last Ottoman expansion and reconstruction which took place during the time of Sultan Abdulmajid I, and was completed in about 13 years. 💚🥀🕊️
🍂 The Ottoman prayer hall is topped with about 170 domes of varying sizes. 💚🕌 The largest of these domes is the Green Dome over the tomb of prophet Muhammad, 💚💚💚and a smaller silver dome over the Mehrab Uthmani, the current functional dome. 💚🥀 This section is topped with two minarets one on the south-western corner is from Ottoman era and has typical conical top of Ottoman architecture. 💚🥀
#Allah #islam #prophetmuhammad #Quran #Muslim #Muslimah #makkah #madinah #masjidnabawi #masjidilharam #masjid #ottoman #prayer #alafasy #ottomanempire #history #world #king #muslimworld #abdullah #zunayad #ertugrulghazi #ertugrulbey #Ertugrul #abdullahzunayad #osmangazi #Osman #islamicreminders #tariqjameel #muftimenk
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🍂 On the authority of Dawud ibn Salih ibn Dinar at-Tammar (RA.) on the authority of his mother:
🍂 Once his freer sent him to Aisha (RA.) with Harisah (a type of food).
🍂 He went and saw that Aisha (RA.) was praying. she gestured for put it here. At that time a cat came and ate something from it.
🍂 Aisha (RA.) ate from where the cat had eaten after the prayer. And he said, The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: Cats are not impure (animals), cats always move around you.💚🐈
🍂 And I saw the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) performing ablution with the leftover water of a cat. (Sunan Abu Dawud, Hadith No. 76) 💚🥀
#Allah #islam #islamic #love #Muslims #muslimah #prophetmuhammad #ProphetMuhammadPBUH #cat #catlover #abdullah #zunayad #abdullahzunayad
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Hello Assalamualaikum everyone. 💚 I am Abdullah Zunayad. 🌟 VIDEO EDITORS | GYMNASTIC | MARTIAL ARTIST | TRAVEL | FASHION ⭐ | CINEMATOGRAPHER 🍃
Welcome you all to my official YouTube channel. 💚😊