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Trystan Petrash

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Hi, my name is Trystan Petrash and I'd like to welcome you t

Trystan Petrash
2 years ago - 3 likes

Unfortunately there won't be a new episode this week. I explain everything in this quick short

Trystan Petrash
2 years ago - 3 likes

Happy New Year Everyone! After a 2 week break I'm back with an all new episode and this one is going to change your life. (At least when it comes to curing those winter blues lol).

Trystan Petrash
2 years ago - 12 likes

I hope everyone has been having a great week so far. So in my last episode I said I was going to be taking a week off before the next episode. But after much thought, I've decided it's best to take 2. Views are usually pretty slow this time of year anyway. I'm going to take this time to get caught up on adulting, film some extra episodes including bonus material for monthly donors and just take time for my mental health. Which is important now more than ever. Episode 83 will drop on January 5th. It also happens to be one of my absolute favourite Korean winter dishes. Thanks and have a safe and happy holidays!

Trystan Petrash
2 years ago - 2 likes

I'll be taking next week off for the holidays, to film some extra episodes, get caught up on stuff around the house and maybe relax a bit, if there's time lol. But I'll be back the following week with the perfect recipe for a holiday hangover. So enjoy today's episode about one of my favourite dishes from my hometown of Thunder Bay, Ontario. And have a safe and happy holidays!

Trystan Petrash
2 years ago - 2 likes

Well it's finally happened, as of today I am now offering monthly subscriptions to my channel. There are 3 tiers, $3, $5 and $10 each with their own rewards. Including perks like shout-outs on social media as well as in upcoming episodes, behind the scenes and bloopers, and exclusive episodes and content. So if you enjoy my content and want to help support me making more while reaping some pretty fun rewards, then considering signing up.

Trystan Petrash
2 years ago - 4 likes

I'm working on some behind the scenes content and bonus material that will be available exclusively to monthly subscribers. The main content on my channel will of course forever and always be free. But, if you were to sign up for a monthly membership to support the channel, is there anything you'd like to see or get as bonus content? Vlogs, bloopers, social media shout-outs, etc?

Trystan Petrash
2 years ago - 0 likes

I kind of want to do some blooper/gag reels from some of my videos. Want to see me make an ass of myself?

Trystan Petrash
2 years ago - 9 likes

It's crazy to think it's been a year since I started the channel. It's been a learning process for sure considering I knew absolutely nothing about filming, editing, lightning, audio etc. But here I am one year later and I'm happy with how the channel has grown, the quality I've gotten it to and the loyal audience that continues to support me each and every week. I couldn't have made it this far without all of your support. So from the bottom of my heart, thank you!

Trystan Petrash
3 years ago - 9 likes

Now that I finally have access to community posts here on YouTube I just wanted to take a moment and thank each and every one of you for helping me get to 50 episodes and 1k subscribers. I'll be taking advantage of this to bring updates to the channel as well as having more engagement with all of you on topics you'd like to see. Thank you, you're awesome!