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Tim Henson

1.18M subscribers - no pronouns set

More from this channel (soon)

Tim Henson
2 months ago - 10K likes

Mini TOD10N available now at 🐢

Tim Henson
2 months ago - 11K likes

Hey friends, I’m sure some of you noticed that over the weekend my memberships were shut off. My apologies for the confusion, everything is now back up and running. I just recently signed a new record deal with Rise/BMG and that was a transitional road bump. With that being said, I AM MAKING A SOLO RECORD. Yes, as well as Polyphia 5. So you will all be getting a lot of new music from me/Polyphia in the distant future. I will go ahead and say I am beyond excited about the musical ideas that have been coming out lately. I have been spending a lot of time in meditation and have experienced some very incredible consciousness related breakthroughs, which have of course influenced the music. I cannot wait to share with you guys. In the meantime, if you are not already a member, we have tons of cool exclusive content and other stuff. If you are already a member, please vouch if you feel so inclined. God bless you all πŸ‘οΈπŸ§˜β™ΎοΈ

Tim Henson
5 months ago - 5.1K likes

Black Friday restock available now!