Wedding vlog, Adventure vlog, cassette review, Mix Content. This channel concentrates on reviewing dangdut cassettes that were a hit in the 80/90/2000s. A collection of the best dangdut songs. The best albums from Indonesian dangdut artists or singers. a collection of the best dangdut songs, a collection of Indonesian dangdut singers, Indonesian dangdut divas story of dangdut dangdut 90s dangdut the best old songs Evie Tamala Mirnawati Iis Dahlia Ikke Nurjanah Naina Lusi Lady Rose Minawati Dewi Nelly Agustin Rhoma Irama Meggy Z Mansyur S Caca Handika Imam S Arifin Ona Sutra Mega Mustika Yulia Citra Ine Sinthya #dangdutlawas #dangdutlawas #dangdut90s songs #popular song collections #tales behind songs #popular song collections #bestterpopular songs #90sdangdut songs #mostpopular best songs