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Video Clip Revival Studios

26.3K subscribers - no pronouns set

Welcome to the VCRS (Video Clip Revival Studios). Establishe

Video Clip Revival Studios
1 year ago - 3 likes

Hi all, just a quick reminder that it's unflogged 80's night tonight on our Twitch TV "VideoDJ" channel. If you do tune in you can expect at least 2 debut "never seen before" VCRS video clips! They are classic "buried treasure ripsnorters" as well ;-) or

Video Clip Revival Studios
2 years ago - 1 likes

Hello subscribers, a belated happy new year! FYI we're diligently working on the reinvented VCRS and should have new "slightly different" material commencing in February. In the meantime we'd like to promote a talented local artist...

Video Clip Revival Studios
2 years ago - 0 likes

Dear subscribers, please support and share this. Good people are being hurt needlessly by overreaching and human rights abusing mandates!

Video Clip Revival Studios
2 years ago - 0 likes

VCRS's VideoDJ is live now!

Video Clip Revival Studios
2 years ago - 0 likes

Just a quick reminder that we're now playing live Video DJ sessions via Twitch TV. At least until we get booted off. In the meantime here's the official streaming link...

Remember it's entirely free (apart from your data usage) and it should be very simple to access.

Video Clip Revival Studios
2 years ago - 3 likes

Hello fabulous subscribers and fellow music lovers, welcome to the future direction of VCRS. It's obvious by the subscribers to this channel that there's a bit in interest in our content. Unfortunately though due to the ridiculous policies of the YouTube copyright "fun police" we are currently unable to upload or live stream as freely as we would like.

So in order to continue sharing our vast collection of rare quality we are now live streaming "free" regular Video DJ events and running intermittent Video DJ Radio live streams either via Twitch TV or via our associated partner website WAVES Works...

These can be accessed directly via these links...