This channel is intended to guide you through ascension to the 5th dimensional (5D) awareness.
As our mother Gaia, the conscious body of the planet Earth, ascends, we have been impacted by the updraft of such high frequency energies.
5D ascension is an inner-transformation, not external. Everything is in Unity, Love and Light.
This channel provides video materials to assist in shifting your consciousness from 3D to 5D and spiritual development.
This channel also introduces videos of "Creative Society", which is a new social model of 5-dimensional vibes, that replaces the current money- and power-driven consumer society.
It is an international project and not the name of a specific organization. Only volunteers are participating. It is open to all denominations, while it is not affiliated with any religion. Anyone can participate regardless of nationality, race, or gender.
To join the project, please visit: