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Coco Laní

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Coco Laní
1 month ago - 0 likes

To whom it may apply:

As I was in bed getting ready to go to sleep, I was laying with my eyes closed, not yet sleep, but half way alert at the same time (kinda dosing off). It was very quiet as I like to sleep in quietness because it allows me to meditate, conversate with the MOST HIGH, pray, etc.

Well, just as I was laying there in complete silence the Holy Spirit gave me a vision and I felt as though The MOST HIGH wanted me to put this message out here.

The message is; Please watch the children that your child/children are socializing with. In this vision I saw two children in a mobile home community setting (to some this may apply) both very young, no older than about 1 to 2 years old. One child was playing and laughing, running around just as children do, while the other child was just standing in one spot in between two mobile homes, in a dark spot, signaling and gesturing with his hands for the other child to come over there with him. But he had a very vindictive
smile on his face, kinda deceptive as if he had been PROPOSITIONED to try and lure the other child in. Keep in mind it was broad daylight, but one child was standing in a dark area.... That child was standing in darkness and was trying to bring the other child into that darkness as well.

To any parent, please be vigilant of who you allow around your children, even other children! People are very evil and wicked these days and it's very easy to use children to do their dirty work (witchcraft or any kind of spell work, pedophilia, or just simply GROWN FOLKS using children to lure in other children for their own evil gain). Why? Because children are so naive especially at such young ages, so it's very easy for people to use children to do anything, children usually relate to other children!

I felt that message in my spirit for a reason and I knew that vision was from The MOST HIGH.


Coco Laní
1 year ago - 1 likes

Good morning! All praise and glory to our father above, the MOST HIGH GOD!