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Drunk Souls

16K subscribers - no pronouns :c

I'm a FromSoft PVP nerd. I've been at it since DS1. I do Eld

Welcoem to posts!!

in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c

Drunk Souls
Posted 1 day ago

So do you guys actually like those 30ish second previews at the start of my build YouTube videos?

I started doing those as a way to let the viewer know exactly what the build is and what they'd be watching during the YouTube video at the start of it.

I like to use chunks of a larger invasion that will be later on in the YouTube video. So at the start there is a chunk but if you want to see the conclusion of the invasion you can watch the rest.

25 - 6

Drunk Souls
Posted 1 day ago

Hey, my dudes.

So patch 1.14 just released for Elden Ring. A few good changes to PVP. Probably worth making a YouTube video.

The tradition for my channel has always been to do a YouTube video about it with gameplay from after the patch and talk about all the changes.

However I have realized over time that with these kinds of things "If you're not first you're last". Meaning if you're not one of the first few YouTubers to make a video about it, there isn't much point.

I always find out about the updates a few hours late and by then they've already been covered by like 3 or 4 other YouTubers.

Then when I start my YouTube video it takes me another 6 hours to finish it, and by then there's literally just no point as everyone has covered it. Everyone knows the information by then.

Everyone else is faster than me, to their credit. And that's okay. I think I put too much effort into those YouTube videos about updates. I'm too picky about what gameplay I use and it takes forever to get enough. I'm always looking for super dynamic and stylish invasions when in reality most are not that. This is an issue that has hindered me for my entire run on YouTube.

From now on, I'm still going to try to do the Elden Ring Patch breakdowns, but only if I find out early enough and get started early enough. If it's so late that it's a lost cause trying to do it, then I feel like it's a lot more productive for me to just make individual YouTube videos about all the things that have been changed in the update instead. Most of the adjusted things in game will get their own YouTube video over the next few weeks either way.

Today it's borderline. I just found out about the update for the game and am just now able to start working.

Depending on how well the invasions go today, I might finish a patch breakdown. But if it becomes clear I'm not going to finish it early enough, I'll make a YouTube video about something more specific that has been changed instead.

So tonight I think there will either be an update breakdown, or a YouTube video about Bayles Tyranny or swords of darkness and light. Just depends on how things go.

Funnily enough, I spent the last day trying to gather gameplay for a Sword of Light and Darkness YouTube video. I was almost done. Then this update releases and I find out they've been buffed, meaning all the gameplay I had is now invalid and I have to do it again. Not mad but it's kinda funny honestly.

I have also considered just doing a big livestream talking about all of the changes and testing all of the stuff, then leaving the VOD up and using that as my patch breakdown. It's way faster to do it that way, but a lot of viewers just don't have time to watch an entire 3 hour VOD so I'm not sure if this is a good choice either.

I do want to talk about something I'm highly worried about real quick.

I read the update notes for Elden Ring. I have noticed a glaring lack of player limit adjustments, covenants, and allowing invaders to choose where they'd like to invade to avoid constant fogwalls.

This is highly concerning. The first two are a big ask, but the fogwall fix is something they've already done for cooperators in game and absolutely refuse to do for invaders.

It's concerning because, being generous, we might get 2 or 3 more updates for the game before From Software ends support and we enter the late stage era.

Anything not fixed by then will forever remain fucked up. Then we are stuck with the game as is for the next half decade while we wait for the next FromSoftware open world anime game.

This is our last chance to get the game fixed, or at least made marginally better. Everyone needs to be very vocal about the things the game needs. If the bigger issues don't get fixed, then I worry for the longevity of Elden Ring PVP.

My next video essay is going to be something like "Elden Ring PVP is on life support, but FomSoftware CAN Save it". That title is a bit hyperbolic but there is truth in it.

This will be my last ditch attempt to rally support for changes to the game. I'm going to go over everything wrong and how it can be fixed. It will probably take me a while, but it needs to be done.

Me alone trying to bring changes likely won't have too much of an impact, but if others are vocal, it might.

I care about the game, which is why I'm so critical of it.

Anyways, gonna get to work now. Thanks for all the support, it's the main reason I've been able to keep going here on YouTube.

78 - 13

Drunk Souls
Posted 1 week ago

Starting some video essay style PVP videos out now. I tried starting this a while ago but noise issues made it a whole bitch. That's over now though I think.

First one is gonna be "Why Elden Ring PVP Pisses You Off So Much".

I have so many ideas like this I never realized. A lot of my community posts were rough drafts for video essays I wanted to make.

These will of course have invasion gameplay. Might do some music from older games or anime. Not sure.

These do take a bit longer to make than my normal live commentary gameplay, but I think it's worth it. I also play better when I'm not talking live so that's good.

I think it's time to evolve my YouTube videos. The build YouTube videos are never going away, but I need some other formats added into the mix.

I've been leaning very very heavily into being a streamer lately. The noise issues I've had lately made livestreaming way smarter for me to do honestly. The daily noise just made YouTube videos take me forever to finish.

Thank you guys for supporting me while I focused more on livestreaming. Livestreaming honestly relies heavily on viewer support, and you guys do so much to make sure I can survive. Without that I would not even exist. Whether streaming or YouTube videos are the focus, viewer support is absolutely vital to any YouTuber. It makes a way bigger difference than you may know.

However I think being mostly a streamer is kinda shitty to everyone who doesn't get to watch them live and wants edited YouTube videos instead. I started off as a YouTuber first and foremost, not a streamer.

I want to have a balanced channel. I want to be half a streamer and half a YouTuber. That's still the goal. Alternating between Livestreams and YouTube videos every other day. 15 YouTube videos and 15 Livestreams a month. Maybe a few days off in there on Saturdays or something. I can't guarantee I'll always meet that quota, but I've been trying to do it this way for so long and I've had issues after issues. I'm still doing it though. If I can at least get this schedule mostly consistent I'll be happy.

If video essays end up being a success I'll likely just do them whenever I think of something I want to ramble about. But the main build live commentary stuff will stay the main format.

I know nobody is really mad about my bad schedule, it's mostly just me being mad at me. But this is how I want to do things from now on. Hopefully it goes well this time. 10th time is the charm.

95 - 4

Drunk Souls
Posted 1 week ago

Are you actively playing Elden Ring PVP regularly, or do you just enjoy watching it on YouTube?

41 - 37

Drunk Souls
Posted 1 week ago

Hey my dudes, quick update.

Since the release of Shadow of the Erdtree, I have had a lot of issues. I'm fairly sure it's like that for all of us sometimes.

Around the time of Shadow of the Erdtree, there was a lot of loud noise nearby that was preventing me from getting anything done during the day.

I got into the habit of trying to stay up all night so I could make YouTube videos at night to avoid this, but that just messed up my schedule really bad and made things worse.

The truth is it's kinda my fault for not having better soundproofing, but that stuff is expensive, so it takes a long time for me to get stuff like that for YouTube.

I need a lot of new equipment as well. My mic is very nice but it's way too sensitive to all noises even with the settings adjusted as best as I can get them. If it's not quiet around me I just don't get to work.

Anyway, sorry that after all this time I still haven't had a consistent schedule. I am extremely unlucky with this stuff. I know nobody is mad about it but I still want to do more whenever I can.

I'm back to doing YouTube every day pretty much now, whether it's working on YouTube videos or live streaming. I still aim to do the 50/50 livestreaming and YouTube video schedule alternating every other day, whenever I catch back up.

Finding good gameplay has become very difficult after Shadow of the Erdtree as well. Mainly because I've been trying to play at night. During the day it's fine and I have a good time, but at night it's just awful.

So many projectiles and anime ashes of war have been added to the game that a lot of invasions just devolve into a spam war in game, and those invasions just are not usable for a YouTube video majority of the time. I mainly experience this at night time, likely due to there being less honest players online and more untalented people trying to cheese streamers.

On top of that, the fogwall issue is out of control. Some nights over 50% of invasions are instant fogwalls.

This is due to FromSoftware allowing phantoms to choose where their summon signs go, which many of them will just make them go to boss doors. Since invasions are tied to cooperation, this means invasions will be right in front of fog doors way more often. To add insult to injury, FromSoftware did not allow invaders to choose the areas they'd like to invade, meaning we cannot opt out of invading fog doors. I'm not sure if this was just incompetence, or straight up invader hatred at FromSoftware. Again during the day this is not nearly as bad.

This stuff has had me feeling very down lately. Sometimes when I Livestream at night, over half of it is just me getting fogwalled. This is when I start to get angry and want to get off the game. Not because it annoys me, but because I feel bad that my viewers are not getting to see me play the game. It is not fun to watch me get fogwalled. It makes me feel like the Livestream is boring due to the game being poorly designed. It's even more infuriating because it's such a fixable issue for FromSoftware.

I have had some very negative Livestreams lately due to this. I will rant about these issues because I'm genuinely concerned about the game and I want it to be better. Streamers kinda have to criticize the game or it will never improve.

I also realize that getting mad about it isn't going to fix anything. So if I get mad I'm just going to keep it to myself from now on. I might talk about the issues but I'm not going to let myself get pissed off over someone else's incompetence anymore.

I still very much enjoy the game overall, but the bad moments are very bad.

FromSoftware is a great developer. Maybe even the best out there. But they've made some serious mistakes regarding their loyal and vibrant PVP community and it is frustrating. I've been a Souls game PVP enjoyer for almost 15 years now and I have slowly watched it degrade.

Thankfully, these issues seem to happen a lot more during night time Livestreams. During the day it's usually pretty fine and I actually have a generally good time. So I've decided I'm not doing night time Livestreams very much anymore. I will only Livestream around midday because that's the time period where the game is actually fun and I'm getting to play the game instead of getting fogwalled.

I'm not sure why the game is so bad at night. But it is. So I'm just not going to work late anymore, unless I absolutely have to.

The issue with Elden Ring PVP is that it's either VERY FUN or VERY MISERABLE. There is no middle ground. The very miserable aspects all increase during late night play. The fun really shines during the day. Fogwalls in particular are a lot less intense. So I'm actually getting to play the game not not feeling like I'm boring everybody.

The very fun times are what keep me playing though.

I think as a community we need to be very vocal about these issues with the game right now. If we are lucky, we might get 3 more updates for the game before FromSoftware ends support, and that's being generous. The issues need to be fixed before they end support, or else we will be left with these issues for another half decade while we wait for Elden Ring 2: Anime Strikes back.

Side note, I really hope they do a more traditional Souls game next. It will be a lot more enjoyable to play, and way less of a wait for the next game. I love Elden Ring but it isn't exactly what I wanted. Labyrinthine traditional Dark Souls style is superior to open world anime game in my opinion.

That leads me to another thing. I want to start evolving my content. I'm going to be doing other things, although my usual build invasion YouTube videos will never go away, I need to do more stuff.

Things like:

Thoughtful video essays about PVP stuff in general, lore about PVP, and how it can be made better.

Educational invasion YouTube videos on how to win more and other things like that.

Ranking stuff for PVP, well just invasions mostly.

I have also had some fun ideas like "CAN IT ONE SHOT!" Where I will use underrated stuff in game and try to make it one shot in PVP, like the fire golem vestiges or other niche stuff like that.

My mentor has encouraged me to start doing more of this stuff, and frankly I just want to. This stuff is more work than my typical YouTube videos but I need to branch out. If this causes me to get less overall YouTube videos done, then so be it.

I have also been talking about playing other PVP adjacent games on my channel here and there. Games that are similar enough that my audience will likely enjoy them. Chivalry 2 is the biggest one.

Of course, my normal YouTube videos will stay the nain thing on my channel. Those will never go away or be replaced. But I will be trying out this new stuff.

If this new stuff is successful, then it will stay on the channel. If it's not successful, I will consider it a failed idea and move on. I imagine I will be doing these other kinds of YouTube videos maybe once or twice a week.

That's my update. A lot of new stuff coming, and less negativity from me.

As always I must thank you guys for being such huge supporters of my channel. Without loyal viewers, donators, and patrons/members, I would not be able to exist on this platform at all. Thank you for creating me. Without you guys I would still be rotting in a factory. Your contributions are also helping me get better equipment so I can do more and not have my schedule revolve around how noisy it is outside.

99 - 26

Drunk Souls
Posted 2 weeks ago

Hey my dudes, I want to ask this one more time before I solidify my YouTube routine around this.

My mentor told me it would be best to use my Livestream gameplay in my YouTube videos. For most Elden Ring PVP streamers, this is fine, cuz they Livestream on twitch, not YouTube.

I'm one of the only ones who Livestreams on YouTube.

I was hesitant to use my Livestream gameplay in YouTube videos cuz that would mean some of my viewers will see the same gameplay twice. There is a portion of you who regularly watches the Livestreams and that means a high chance you will see duplicate gameplay. I livestream and make YouTube videos on the same platform after all.

Lately I've been using Livestream gameplay for almost all of my YouTube videos. So I ask, are you seeing duplicate gameplay?

Since I've been doing it this way for a while now it's probably smart to make sure this isn't bothering anyone.

Is there some other reason you may not like me doing it this way?

I will happily switch back to doing YouTube videos the old fashioned way if that's what is wanted. It is more work to do it the old way, but likely higher quality.

29 - 18

Drunk Souls
Posted 3 weeks ago

Which do you like best?

63 - 28

Drunk Souls
Posted 1 month ago

Patron/member fight club and taunter run today in Elden Ring. I will be livestreaming at about 3PM Eastern time. This is PlayStation only for now.

How this works is, Patrons and Channel members get VIP status. They get to play first.

After I've made sure they've all gotten to play first, I will open up the game password to everyone. But just know that if you're not a patron or member there is no guarantee you will get to play because there's so many of you. I wish I could let everyone play but it would take days to do so.

During the Taunter run portion, anyone is encouraged to invade, but I will be summoning patrons and members first to run through levels in game.

If you are a Patron or Member, you will find the VIP game password on my community tab and as a Patreon post for only you guys.

When you have Patrons and Members, you're meant to do something special for them every now and then. They essentially pay a monthly contibution to make sure my channel keeps chugging along, and it's best to thank them in some way for that commitment.That's why I have this setup this way. There truthfully isn't a lot of things a gaming YouTuber can do in this regard. My only other option would be to paywall YouTube videos behind Patreon or Members program, which I really don't want to do.

So I think a community event where they are VIP is the best way to do it. I've done it this way for a long time now but I just wanted to let new viewers know how it works ahead of time.

I appreciate all of you guys, whether you're a patron/member or not. Your loyal viewership and donations have kept me going this far and allows me to continue existing on YouTube, so thank you very much. Without it I would not be here.

50 - 5

Drunk Souls
Posted 1 month ago

What kind of game do you want FromSoftware to make next?

While Elden Ring is a great game, it isn't exactly what I wanted. The open field anime game style has given me very mixed feelings, and the sheer size of the game has caused some of the quality to be watered down.

That's not to say I don't like Elden Ring. I do. But I wanted something so much more.

As I've said before, all I really wanted was big Dark Souls 1. That's it. I think they had this figured out from the very first Dark Souls game, but instead of building on that, they've slowly turned it into something completely different.

My ideal game would be a labyrinthine Dark Souls 1 style world but massive, with Elden Ring's combat system (minus the Lazer beam anime ash of war spam).

I pray they make a game like this next. Waiting 5 or 10 years for Elden Ring 2 or some equivalent would be awful. A more condensed Dark Souls 1 style game would come much faster, and I dare say it would be much more enjoyed by most.

I would settle for Bloodborne 2 though.

What do you think From should do next?

27 - 71