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I make videos about souls-like video games. I'm an average p

11 hours ago - 2 likes

Hi guys! Scheduling note:

I had to leave my house on Wednesday, so I haven't been able to play the DLC yet :( Returning today. My plan is to make a save state for my no-hit run and then create a DLC character. I'm going to blast my way to Mogh and get a no-damage fight on him. I've been wanting to make a Mogh analysis video for a while, so that will be my next project. I'd love to be able to finish that all today, as I got pretty good at Mogh last year, but it's been a while. After that, I'll enter the DLC. In the meantime, please don't post any spoilers in comments! I know about Messmer and Relanna and the Lion guy from the trailers, so that's common knowledge, but I'd like to stay blissfully unaware about everything else :)

2 days ago - 8 likes

I'm pretty sure this is our first time hearing Miquella's voice. Legit choked up a little bit.

2 weeks ago - 7 likes

Heading to Europe tomorrow for two weeks, but fortunately I was able to pre-record some videos. I got 16 or 17 more damage-free bosses in Elden Ring done, which I will upload in two parts. I also wrote and recorded an analysis video about what attributes a good magic-casting boss has and what attributes a bad magic-casting boss has. I finding pure magic bosses generally pretty lackluster, and it was very rewarding to finally sit down and really think about why that is. I'll release that next week at some point!

3 weeks ago - 5 likes

Working on a combat evolution vid about the dynamic movements of bosses! Hope to get it out this week :)

4 weeks ago - 6 likes

Shadow of the Erdtree Story Trailer Thoughts:
If you're like me, you've watched the new trailer a billion times. Here are some rambling thoughts/predictions. I want to know what you guys think about the trailer, so please lmk!
1) That Lion-dancer thing from the first trailer is featured again, this time clearly attacking Messmer's army, not just us/the player. So, if he's attacking us in the first trailer, it's likely not because he's allied with Messmer.
2) Following on that, I've thought from the beginning that the Shadow Land must have something to do with the Crucible. This lion-dancer thing is clearly Crucible-esque, so it's antipathy toward Messmer makes me even more convinced that what's likely going on in the Shadow Land is the destruction/repression of the Crucible and it's attendant life forms.
3) The music absolutely slaps, especially the track starting at 1:28. Overall, I thought Elden Ring didn't go as hard as they could with the soundtrack (Godfrey's music, Radagon's music, and Melania's music are exceptional though); I wonder if we'll see them go pedal to the metal for SotE.

1 month ago - 9 likes

Seeking input! I am thinking about a video on what factors make a game "souls-like." Do you guys agree or disagree that a souls-game must be third person? It seems like most if not all are, but I'm not sure about this one. Opinions welcome!

1 month ago - 6 likes

Inbound :D

1 month ago - 15 likes

AHHHH you guys, I did it! I defeated every boss in DS3 without taking any damage! As I've said before, I'm only ok at these games, and this kind of stuff doesn't come naturally to me. Each one takes a long time and a ton of patience and persistence. I honestly can't believe I pulled it off! I'm in the middle of uploading the compilation of all fights, and I've already started editing my ranking video. The audio is fully recorded and the clips are in place, so I hope to have that posted later tonight :D

1 month ago - 8 likes

Just got the no-hit on Champion's Gravetender. Totally miserable experience lol. Went back and swept up Wolnir also. Only ones left are Deacons and Halflight. Already working on my DS3 boss ranking script :)

1 month ago - 2 likes

Help me out, guys--does the ulcerated tree spirit beneath Stormveil Castle have a boss health bar or just a regular enemy health bar?