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1 year ago - 75 likes

Guys and Gals..,

If you missed the latest ITPM FREE LIVE Webinar this weekend you can watch a Recording / Replay available twice in the next week

Price Analysis by a Hedge Fund Boss
w/ Ben Berggreen

Recording / Replay 1
Wednesday May 17th at 9pm EST…

Recording / Replay 2
Sunday May 21st at 9am EST…


3 years ago - 90 likes

Hi everybody,

We are holding a special publicly available LIVE Global Webinar on March 20th at 9am EST

Meet ITPM Trader Richard . 850% Return in 10 Months!



After taking the ITPM Professional Trading Masterclass (PTM) Video Series and the Professional Options Trading Masterclass (POTM) Video Series, Institute Trader Richard embarked on a 3 month Mentoring Program with ITPM Mentor Raj Malhotra when he completed his 2020 Thailand Mentoring Program Zoom Classrooms.

In just 10 months of Trading Richard achieved an 850% Return. Starting with just $20,000 USD in his trading account, he grew his trading account to over $190,000 USD in just 10 months trading Equity Options. He did this implementing our Professional Trading process and booking over 200 trades over the 10 month period.

Tune in to this Webinar and Richard will show you his track record with every trade he did and tell you how he did it.

LINK will be sent to registered delegates at 8AM EST (New York Time)
Webinar start 9AM EST (New York Time), 10.30AM open Q&A, 11AM Finish.

PLEASE NOTE: Richards Last Name has been withheld to protect and respect his privacy from thirsty Retail Traders who want to Copy Trade and / or bug him on Social Media for trading tips and advice. This is not something we do at ITPM and it will never make you a good trader. As an organization we actively discourage it. Richard has kindly agreed to do this webinar with ITPM Managing Partner Anton Kreil to help Retail Traders better understand how the Professional Trading approach works. This will be your only chance to communicate with him.


The Institute Team

3 years ago - 346 likes

For those of you who are congratulating Sheky for "being up 39% in a day" with the CCL trade I've got just a few points to make here because The Devil is Always in the Detail. This comment is purely for educational purposes and designed for your own benefit. He is not just up 39% in a day. That was simply the underlying stock move.., he is up over 250% in 2 weeks on this trade. He traded a Call Option Structure. Additionally, for those of you coming back and saying "Thanks" or "Thanks for the tip" because you may have benefited from the trade, you are going about this ALL the wrong way. WOYM and ITPM is not a "Tip Service" we do not encourage "Copy Trading." Infact we despise it, because we know its 100% the wrong way to go in terms of you (our students) progressing. WOYM is designed to give you a Pro' level insight into how we go about things so you can learn to implement the processes we teach via CCL is one position in portfolios with multiple positions in them. If you don't know the processes we teach and you're just coming to our channel for tips, you will never EVER learn anything, because all you do is rely on other people for your trade ideas. Unfortunately you are doomed to fail eventually, because you have no idea why you are in a trade and have not done any of the work yourself. Its just a matter of time and amount of trades before you blow up. You need to be properly educated so you can do it yourself forever. Not rely on others for "Tips." Trades like CCL are bread and butter for guys like Sheky and the rest of the team. Were involved in trades like this regularly. Each Mentor has been in the industry for 20 and 25 years plus. Watching WOYM to get your next trade idea is Dumb Dumb Dumb.., watching WOYM and then recognizing that you need to learn how to do this for yourself AND then taking action to actually do it is SMART SMART SMART! In any case it was a great trade by Sheky. 250%+ in a fortnight is awesome whichever way you cut it..., and the morons who have been holding Bitcoin for the last 3 years and who are now getting excited again because it finally made a move think they are "doing well." Unfortunately they are idiots with only 1 YOLO trade idea / media driven tip! If you want to learn how ITPM students keep winning regularly, how to do this yourself FOREVER and be totally self reliant i.e. never having to listen to a "tip" ever again.., then take advantage of our Holiday Season Discount Program (HSDP) CLICK HERE… - Thanks for listening - ANTON KREIL

3 years ago - 211 likes

Hi everyone...
There's now only 2 weeks remaining to book your spot at the the July 25th Online Implementation Conference with ITPM Managing Partner and to take part in our 50% off Summer Sale. Just go to the following link and choose your ticket type and the program(s) you want access too. You will receive your ticket confirmation immediately and get access to your program(s) within 48 hours. On the 25th July you will receive the live Webinar link for the Online Conference at 7am EST which is 1 hour before the Online Conference starts. The Conference begins at 8am EST Saturday July 25th and ends at 3pm EST. We look forward to seeing you there! CLICK HERE >>>…

4 years ago - 52 likes

Hello everyone,
Just a quick update from ITPM during the financial meltdown and humanitarian crisis we are facing here. Many of you will be seeing your pensions (401K’s, IRA’s, etc) fall by 30%, 40% 50% etc. Many of you will also be trying to trade this volatile market. Some will be successful but the vast majority wont. We get it. We know exactly what’s going on here. We have seen it and experienced markets like this many times.
From the perspective of financial markets professionals that have traded through many difficult times in financial markets, let me tell you what needs to NOT be done and what needs TO be done. Firstly DO NOT panic. The objective here is to come out of this well capitalized and either surviving (stay afloat and flat p/l) or up (making $). You wont even begin to be able to achieve this over the coming months if you are paralyzed with fear, because clear thinking and actions need to be taken to achieve the goal. In situations like this from a trader’s perspective, the only thing to fear is fear itself. Once you eliminate this you can see the opportunities clearly to bank money from others who are panicking and living in fear. You just have to know how to recognize the mispricing’s and opportunities, be well capitalized and then be fearless and objective when stepping in and out. Secondly, technical knowledge is key. Understanding the technicalities of mispricing’s allows you to be objective because you know regardless of the noise and newsflow that in certain situations and positions you are taking that the odds are in your favor. This means you know (not with certainty) but with high probability that you are going to be right on a position you take. This gives peace of mind and allows you to remain calm when everyone else around you is losing their minds. Take these two things together, combine them with a willingness to put in the work and take action and you will achieve your objective over the coming months. The road there is to bank money every week and month and allow it compound. Then when we come out of this you will be WINNING!
We have launched The Emergency Room. 15 days of group Mentoring with myself ITPM Managing Partner Anton Kreil. We will cover every type of portfolio and show you how to take positive actions that give you the best chance of coming out of this in good shape. We start on Monday at 8am EST (same time every day) and it only costs $1,035. Send it to the ITPM Paypal address - You will receive the Webinar links every day at 7am EST. You will be able to submit portfolio’s and we will use them as case studies. We will save you tens if not hundreds of thousands of dollars and put you in the best position possible to get out of this. Watch the Announcement Video here:
See you on Monday in the webinar room! Anton Kreil...

4 years ago - 434 likes

Thanks to all of our viewers in 2019 for watching. We will continue in 2020 with our mission to bring Professional level Trading and Portfolio Management education to Retail Traders and keep raising the bar. I've always maintained since I started ITPM that as long as we keep raising the bar continuously, to a standard that the competition simply can not attain, then we will continuously force the industry to change. As long as we do this, we will lead the industry and if our students win, we will win. It's as simple as that. Stay close to us in 2020 again. We have lots more exciting FREE productions coming to get Retail Traders where they need to be. Competency and independently consistently profitable. *Anton Kreil*

5 years ago - 47 likes

Thanks to all our subscribers for watching this Video. Today it hit over 100,000 views. We have lots more exciting and useful productions coming soon. Stay safe in the markets in 2019. It's going to be a difficult year for all managers and traders. Anton Kreil, Managing Partner ‪@InstituteofTrading‬ and Portfolio Management.