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Hi friends, this channel is a safe space for all. A place of

4 months ago - 288 likes

My friends, what is a song that you've wanted me to slow and reverb but haven't? Let me know, and I'll slow them :)

1 year ago - 57 likes

Hello my friends, how is life going for you guys?
Also I'm taking song requests, feel free to tell me in the comments!

2 years ago - 80 likes

Hey friends! How are you today? :) Rate your day: 5, being best, and 1 being worst.

2 years ago - 63 likes

Hey guys, quick question. Who would you like to hear more of? If they're not on the list, please feel free to comment them down below. Thanks guys! :)

2 years ago - 145 likes

Hey guys, I wanted to congratulate us for hitting 10,000 subscribers! I started this channel 9 months ago, just for fun. It has definitely been a journey, but one that I have enjoyed. Thank you guys!

I hit 10,000 on February 17th, but I wanted to take time to reflect on it. For me, it's not just a milestone, it's the number of people this music has inspired, or impacted. In a time where the world feels so divided, we are all unified by the music. That's why you guys are considered my family. The bond that we all have together over music is amazing. It's universal, there's over 50 countries that watch this channel daily. You all have inspired me tremendously, your stories, suggestions, and opinions! I love reading the comments and seeing how you all interact with each-other. It's so special and uplifting, you guys are there for each-other, and that's what has unified us. That's family. I love all of you, individually!

Enjoy your Sunday!

2 years ago - 22 likes

Just uploaded a new mix, it premiers very soon! Interestingly, this is my longest video that I've uploaded. Took a while to render, but it was successful. Check the video description to see some of the tracks included in the mix. A little note: All the music in this video was composed by Alexandre Desplat, one of my personal favorite artists. I hope you all enjoy the 1hr of bliss! :D

2 years ago - 130 likes

Hello all. It's the 25th, which for a lot of us is Christmas, depending on if you celebrate it or not. Merry Christmas!
However, there's a lot of hurt in the world right now. And for many of us the Christmas Season is not an enjoyable experience, the stress, anger and loneliness it brings with it can be a lot to take. Christmas Day, for me, is a day of remembrance and self-reflection. I reflect on how the year was, past Christmases, and where I am in life overall.

But this Christmas is different. I started this channel 7 months ago, and in these few months I have grown a lot, and learned so much. You all have brought so much brightness into my life, and I hope the videos I create can shine a little bit of light into yours. You all have changed my life, and have shown so much compassion, love and empathy towards each other. The music these artists have curated have formed a community which I am humbly honored to be a part of.

Though, this isn't about me, it's about you guys! I have to thank all of you for what you've done, and the experiences you've shared. I read every one of them, and unfortunately there's not enough time in the day to respond to all of them, but know that I see and read all of them. Also know that in your suffering you're not alone, your experiences are shared by countless strangers internationally. We’ve built a safe place for all of us to be ourselves, explore and learn from each-others experiences. I think about you guys more than you know, and wish I could do so much more to help and be there for all of you.

These past 2 years have been rough for many of us. We’ve done so much and have grown and experienced so much. For those who have lost friends and family and are experiencing heartbreak and grief, know they’re looking down on you and are excited to be reunited with you again.

For those who are estranged from family or friends, and want to see them again. You will see them again, everything beautiful comes in time.

To those who are lost, know that the light you are searching for is not far away, patience and persistence is key.

To those who are experiencing anxiety, and/or depression, I know you’re tired, don’t give up and I am here for you, in-fact I have experienced many of the things mentioned above and many people have. You’re strong enough to get through this, and don’t be afraid to ask for help, as daring as it may seem there are people who care and are genuinely here to help. Each and every one of you is worthy of love and appreciation. I love all of you individually, you mean so much to me, take care and be safe.