Hi I'm Fromdahbush aka "Bush"!
I pretend I'm other people in a video game...
It's lame...
But... like and subscribe!
Secondary YouTube for SOTD Roleplay:
Stories Of The Dead
YouTube Series, and Comic Book Compendium Coming Soon!
No KOS Public Freecore Servers:
- SOTD: Livonia (Public and Live now!)
- SOTD: Sakhal (Public and Live now!)
- SOTD: Chernarus (Coming Soon!)
Watch the show! - Season 1 is coming soon (Pilot episode available now!), and Season 2 is being recorded now of our roleplay footage series! There is also a Comic Book Compendium in development!
Be a part of the show! - Join the discord as a SOTD Viewer, to chat with the other members and learn the lore, or join the cast today to be featured in Season 2 of the SOTD YouTube Series!