This channel started during the pandemic era in 2020 with our baby dog, Hogan the German Shepherd when he first came to our home. God gave us animals for reasons. They are the most loving, loyal creatures we have ever known. We dedicate this channel to them. We care for them as much as they care for us.
All credit goes to Jesus almighty, the father and the Holy Spirit. Also to my family, you viewers and youtube team.
I love you all.
Thank you so much.
قناتي تعرض المرح والفرح والحياة اليومية مع هوغان الكلب البوليسي، أو الذيب أو الذئب أو الراعي الألماني.. شكرا عل مجيء
وشاركوني بالقناة حتى تستمتعون الفرحة والضحكة معنا وشكرا.
هوغان كلب مميز لنا لانه كلب الكوارانتين أو الحجر المنزلي 2020.