Athleticize your Art and put Art into your Fight!
Make your martial arts more athletic, or add creativity and art to your sport & fight training.
Unique combos for attribute development (coordination, speed, timing, evasiveness, footwork, power, unpredictability, reaction time)
Integrate techniques from arts such as kali, wing chun, panantukan (dirty boxing), jeet kune do, taekwondo, silat, and more into your striking (MMA, Muay Thai, Savate, boxing), just like the top fighters already do.
Learn to put traditional or combative arts on the pads and in drills to train safely for fitness and fun while becoming more functional.
Take ownership of your own training or give your students something to keep them excited and coming back.
A million reps a thousand different ways to elevate your striking!
Subscribe for:
THAI PAD TUESDAY: Hitting combos and technique
FRIDAY: Creative applications