in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
Bangladesh 🇧🇩
Situation’s getting worse day by day, I request to each and every student please stay inside the hostel’s
If You Have Any Issues Contact With Embassy Asap.
We can hope for peaceful outcome soon.
6 - 1
Already FMGs are under pressure with restrictions, and now this 2-year internship notice.
Why apply it to all?
Can’t you cross-check through your embassies situated in those countries interacting with universities?
Why apply it to all?
If some universities conducted online exams and you think those students are not qualified, why are you conducting the FMGE exam?
#fmge #nmc #mbbs #2yearinternship #mbbsinbangladesh #mbbsabroad #abroadmbbs
8 - 6
Hospital Review video Today 7:00 PM sharp
Drop your quarries regarding #mbbsinbangladesh
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Join Us On Telegram-
12 - 0
Go and watch the video❤️ #mbbsinbangladesh #mbbs #internlife #drpriyanshusharma #bangladeshmbbs #bangladeshmedical
11 - 0
Finally Bmdc uploaded practice license on it’s website ✌🏻
25 - 2
Mbbs in bangladesh #batch2021-22 🇧🇩
13 - 20
Video Will Be uploaded Soon!
Keep waiting ❤️
Till Then Subscribe 🔔
25 - 1
Do u want video on this topic??
Comment below!!
#mbbsfrombangladesh #bangladeshmbbs #firstyearclasses #mbbsabroad #mbbs #whenwillmbbsfirstyearclassstartinbangladesh #drpriyanshusharma #mbbseducation #dcimch #Tmms #Anwarkhanmedicalcollege #popularmedicalcollege #TMMC #mbbsinbangladesh #communitypost #2021-22 @dr.priyanshusharmaa
32 - 13
#neet2022 #neetexam2022 #datesheet #neetaspirant2022 #nationaltestingagency #mbbs #bds #bams #MCI #NMC #nextexittest #next2026
22 - 2
“Discover the beauty of cultural connections, student life, and everyday adventures! From heartfelt village stories to vibrant celebrations and medical life insights, join me, Dr. Priyanshu Sharma, as I share experiences that inspire and connect us all.”