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Beyond Systems - Egwin Ertl

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Turotials and detailed information about how to gain natural

Beyond Systems - Egwin Ertl
3 years ago - 1 likes

Tomorrow, on Saturday 19th Dec 2020 I will be teaching a live online workshop via zoom. It's gonna be roughly 3 hours where we dive deeper into "Embodied Breathing". Our breath is essential for our life and it's connected with our emotions, our mental aswell as physical wellbeing and health and even our connections with ourselves other people and our surroundings. Movement and breathing also link tightly together and especially in training it's crucial to know how to breath in a supporting rather than stress provoking manner.
To learn more about the workshop and how you can participate use the following link to my website.
Note that if you cannot participate in real time there will be a full recording of the workshop available for all registrants and you can text questions through once you wathched the replay.

Beyond Systems - Egwin Ertl
4 years ago - 4 likes

Hey folks!
Just wanted to let you know what's gonna happen the next two weeks :)
This coming week I'll post a live interview with a good friend and collegue of mine focusing more on nutrition since this is an important topic but one that I hardly touch on to myself on this channel.
In two weeks there's going to be the second part update to foot mobility and awareness focusing more on the extrinsic muscles and the lower leg.
Stay tuned and have a great day everyone! :)

Beyond Systems - Egwin Ertl
4 years ago - 3 likes

Hey folks!
I was thinking of doing a youtube Live, or a zoom live and then post it on Youtube with a good friend and collegue of mine who is applying a similar basic principle approach that I'm using in consciousness and movement to nutrition and was wondering if you might be interested in that.
Please let me know your thoughts about it in the comments down below.
Enjoy your day!

PS further video updates and new videos from my side coming shortly :)

Beyond Systems - Egwin Ertl
4 years ago - 5 likes

To all my subscribers who are here mainly for the natural movement, mind, consciousness, posture elements I'm sharing - I just wanted to let you know that the recent video I posted (the Fly High Yoga Compilation) is just a vid in between! The regular tutorials continue on a weekly basis as usual! Stay tuned :)

Beyond Systems - Egwin Ertl
4 years ago - 1 likes

Just re-uploaded the video postural braces and pulling the shoulders back- what it does to the body. It should have sound now. Please comment if you still hear nothing!

Beyond Systems - Egwin Ertl
4 years ago - 2 likes

Sorry I had to take the latest posture video for now. obviously there was a problem with uploading the sound. I will re- upload it with sound asap!
Thank you for your understanding.

Beyond Systems - Egwin Ertl
5 years ago - 1 likes

Hey everyone! Wow it's already two years since I uploaded it and yet it's still one very important video. Also, even though I learned much more about mechanics and movement thise past two years I gotta say the info in this vid is still 100% valid and "correct".
Thank you all for your ongoing support!
I'm looking forward to posting more regular updates!