Manitou Music is an open music collective and sound gallery by Shayan and Shawn in Toronto, Canada.
We’ve been (clumsily) dancing with the Muse since 1999. Together, apart and in all sorts of bands (The Gauge, Endless Nameless, The Lucy Furs), the result is hundreds of hours of recorded audio - from the folksy to the downright bizarre.
Manitou Music is an archive and open diary for these musical ideas. Think of it as graveyard for half-finished song ideas; a gallery for what’s worthy in our archives; and a garden where fresh electric roses still bloom when life and family permit. As old bandmates give permission, it’s also a place where we’ll share the product of our more youthful sonic misadventures.
Lastly, Manitou Music is an invitation. If you feel a synergy with us and want to collaborate, drop us a line. As of this page’s inception (April 6, 2020) a lot feels uncertain in the world. For those who love the Muse, music is a constant.