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Hey there guys, my name is Skymin and I like talking in-dept

1 week ago - 1.3K likes

Itā€™s time to scream into the internet that WE WANT TF2 FIXED! #fixtf2 #savetf2

Bots and Cheaters have run rampant for the past 4+ YEARS, making the game UNPLAYABLE all while Valve continues to make money off of their implementation of COMMUNITY MADE CONTENT. If they have the gall to continuously make money off of the communityā€™s hard work, they have the responsibility to make sure their game is AT THE BARE MINIMUM accessible AND PLAYABLE to the casual players.

The game is a major point of entry into the property/community and with how hard TF2 already is to get into as a new player, the bot crisis makes it nigh impossible to do so. New players are the lifeblood of the game (which is insane for a 16 year old game) and they're being turned away by the UNPLAYABLE Casual mode, which is where new players are going to gravitate towards.

To learn more and SIGN THE PETITION visit

2 weeks ago - 448 likes

Hello YouTube!

Iā€™ve recently uploaded an edited version of my TF2 Lore panel that was presented at MomoCon this past weekend. The panel itself has been kept fully intact, but visually edited to include additional context, corrections, and proper visuals to make it a bearable hour long watch. Itā€™s a great video to pop onto the background while you work on other things!

If youā€™re interested in any other panels that I have been apart of, I upload less edited recordings of our Video Game Music Trivia Shows: Game That Tune over on my alternate channel.

Hopefully Iā€™ll be getting back on track with making videos. Iā€™ve got a backlog of ideas itā€™s just a matter of sitting down and getting the motivation (and time) to crank things out.

For the time being, enjoy this panel! It was a lot of fun to present.

And donā€™t worry, I donā€™t just have cosplay related videos. I know itā€™s a pretty niche topic and not everyoneā€™s thing. But while Iā€™ve got people here, I may as well share a couple pictures from the event.

4 weeks ago - 787 likes

Iā€™m going to MomoCon 2024! (Like every year)

This year Iā€™m not only running our Video Game Music Trivia Show for the 3rd year in a row, but Iā€™m also hosting a TF2 PANEL! Thatā€™s right, I get an hour to subject con goers to the insanity of TF2ā€™s LORE. Weā€™ll be talking about the storyline that leads up to the games events and some more character specific details, like Saxtons Hales absurd list of accomplishments.

As always, if youā€™re going and you see me, feel free to stop and say hello! Iā€™m always up for a chat when Iā€™m wandering around a con aimlessly.

Iā€™ll eventually make a channel relevant update post, but Iā€™ve gotta get this month behind me.

Want to keep up to date with me and the non-video content I make (AKA Cosplay)? Check out my Socials!


4 months ago - 2.8K likes

Sharing some pictures taken during the first con of the year, Atlanta Comic Convention! For more insight (and pictures) on this costume, follow my socials (below). Or if you want to see my Miss Pauling from that weekend šŸ˜‰

Now that this con is behind me, which included presenting a panel about TF2 lore, my time sensitive commitments have been completed at this time.

I want to work on a more personal video surrounding TF2 cosplay that has been put on the back burner for the last two months. This wonā€™t be the large video I alluded to in my last community post. That oneā€¦will get worked on when I have the motivation to tackle itā€¦but I want to get this video out first.

Photos taken by ā€Ŗ@FUNKeā€¬



5 months ago - 1.7K likes

Skymin and 2024 (Update Post)

Hey guys! Yeah Iā€™m still around, lurking, active on other platforms. Thereā€™s a TL;DR down at the bottom if youā€™re not a fan of how infamously wordy I am.

I figured some of you may appreciate an update of sorts and since Iā€™m not a huge fan of making update videos, I figured a post would work just as well.

Like with the last community post update I made, Iā€™ve been primarily focusing on cosplay and crafts. Itā€™s a much more relaxed outlet for me to get my creativity and motivation out of. I know this isnā€™t everyoneā€™s cup of tea and itā€™s not something I can really crank out video based content of, but itā€™s what I personally enjoy doing and I hope you guys understand that. Plus, itā€™s not like a lot of it isnā€™t TF2 related. Most of it is.

Itā€™s a much less stressful hobby for me (outside of con days) because I donā€™t have to worry about appeasing an algorithm or the masses. I simply do what I want and enjoy the outcome. Attention online for them is simply a bonus.

All of my cosplays/crafts get posted to my socials, with Instagram being the primary place for them. So if you like what you see in the picture, consider giving them a follow! Iā€™ll leave links below.

Now what you guys really care about: YT Videos.

Simply put, Iā€™ll make videos when I want to, when itā€™s something Iā€™m passionate about. The two videos I put out last year were two topics I had a lot of personal interest in. ā€œTF2ā€™s Amazing Cosplay Possibilitiesā€ was a full on passion project. I absolutely loved putting that video together and it gave me a chance to really put one of my biggest hobbies front and center, while finally tackling an aspect of the TF2 community that sees very little representation on this side.

Meanwhile ā€œWhy OW2ā€™s PvE Fails, But TF2ā€™s MvM is Successfulā€ was a more negative tone and opinion that's passion was fueled by anger. I was and still am genuinely disappointed by the outcome of OW2, but I wonā€™t get into it here.

As for what I have planned now? Well lucky for a majority of you, I am planning on making a rather large TF2 video. And when I say large I mean CHUNKY. If I ever finish it, this video will be the longest (scripted) video on my channel by a wide margin.

But itā€™s going to be a while. I started working on it in December, but between the holidays, personal obligations and ā€œprofessionalā€ obligations itā€™s been consistently put on the back burner. The more time sensitive projects have had to take a priority when I have time outside of my 9-5. Additionally, this is a video that Iā€™ve been needing to get help on due to my knowledge on the topic not being technical enough. There is MAYBE 7% of the script fully written.

When (or if) it eventually comes out, I hope everyone will enjoy it, because despite my lack of technical knowledge on it, itā€™s an aspect of TF2 that I personally love and I believe it deserved more targeted recognition.

Right now, I have to work on convention panels. Outside of always having to add new music to Game That Tune, Iā€™ve made the horrible decision of submitting exceedingly specific TF2 presentation panels to local conventions. Right now one has been accepted, so that panel is a WiP. Itā€™s so much harder than making a video where you can determine the time it takes to talk aboutā€¦

When those get set in stone Iā€™ll always make it a point to post here about the time and place of them, but thatā€™s not what this post is about!

Thanks for sticking around both in this absurdly long post and the channel. I know Iā€™m not a content farm, and there are huge gaps between videos, but you just gotta remember that for the past 2-3 years YT has just been a hobby for me. Iā€™m not trying to make a living off of it anymore, therefore Iā€™m only making what I want to make.

Unlike larger channels, Iā€™m but one person making everything. Iā€™m the writer, editor, and commentator for every video. Itā€™s kinda rare I get help, outside of script revision and fact checking from friends.

This is my channel and itā€™s a reflection of myself, my thoughts, and my passions.

Have a Great 2024!


- Primarily focused on Cosplay/Crafts because itā€™s not a stressful creative outlet.
- I am slowly working on a very long, TF2 related video but itā€™s been put on the back burner as I finish up more time sensitive, convention based projects and panels. Donā€™t expect it in the near future. Itā€™s a chunker.
- I am working on TF2 panels for conventions! The poor sap who accepts these doesnā€™t know how absurdly specific these are. Details get shared closer to the events.
- Content Creation is not and has not been my source of income for years. Therefore I only create what I personally want to create, hence the massive gaps between videos. I donā€™t have a schedule, I do things on a whim.

6 months ago - 21 likes

Just around the bend is ā€Ŗ@tfconnectā€¬ 2023! A weekend of fun that raises moneys towards a good cause!

This year I get the honor of hosting "TF2 Jeopardy" alongside ā€Ŗ@ShorKā€¬, as we drill well known community figures on just how much worthless TF2 trivia they know!

To learn more head to the TFConnect Website:

Our Contestants: ā€Ŗ@elmaxoTF2ā€¬ ā€Ŗ@FUNKeā€¬ ā€Ŗ@b4nnyā€¬ ā€Ŗ@Delak_Antoineā€¬ ā€Ŗ@LazyPurpleā€¬

7 months ago - 2.5K likes

Going to Anime Weekend Atlanta this week! If you see me there, feel free to say hello!

And be sure to check out our TWO Game That Tune panels! We've got some great prizes to give out and a great list of games/songs!

8 months ago - 1.2K likes

Wondering where I've been?

Working on cosplay and getting our trivia panel ready for Anime Weekend Atlanta (details in the image)! So I'm not dead, I've just shifted my creative outlet at this time.

Friendly reminder that I am more active on other social media sites! So if you like what you see, be sure to give me a follow! I also frequently talk about videos in production...when there IS a video in the works. And I think I'm putting something together.

Instagram (Primarily Cosplay):

10 months ago - 633 likes


Out of the loop? I'm making a video about TF2 cosplay and I want to use YOUR cosplay in my video! I'm only one woman, and I can't cover the ground of every character. As you may be able to tell from the included picture, this is going to be a very differently formatted video visually. So I hope you enjoy me losing what sliver of dignity I had left as I utilize the costume wardrobe I've built up over nearly a decade.

I'm particularly looking for more unique costumes (outside of the mercenaries default uniforms), but I'm accepting every facet of experience and complexity! Please make sure the picture is clean and shows a majority of the costume. No 45 degree angle shots with 10 different Instagram filters slapped onto a dark photo. I need to be able to see you!

Posting options:
1. Comment them here with a link to them (somewhere easily accessible)
2. Post them as a reply on the Twitter post:ā€¦
3. Post them in my discord (I lurk so don't worry about pinging me directly):

Be sure to include the name you want attached as credit, otherwise I'll be using the name of the account that posted the pictures, and I have a feeling some of you may not want to use their embarrassing YT handle they created at the ripe old age of 12. And if you want your face censored please do that before sending me the picture. I'm not an oracle. I don't magically know if you want your face obscured or not.