in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
āæāæāæš· DISCā_š«§(yt ruined the quality :<)ā
I made a 2nd bs! >< she's bit more simpler, I dont know what her name should be but I'll pick one soon! >:33š·š·š
No it's not my new bs kuro is still my main!
I'll use that bs soon! So please don't copy her design! >:DDšš·š·
āā¢ made by kuroā
64 - 16
A sign to spread the gospel!šššš
"We are from God, and whoever knows God listens to him;but whoever is not from God does not listen to him, and he does not know him"
(1 John 4:6)
If you don't know how to spread the gospel it basically means spread the word of God but make sure to not add on to the words or shorten it!ššš you can share this post or make a post of your own with more verses! >:3š
And it's not just for social media, also spread the gospel irl! Don't be afraid that ppl will judge you, it's their choice to choose God/Jesus and if they do judge you, be happy! God is happy with you that your faith is strong, spreading the gospel helps other ppl to know Jesus and make heaven crowded!
44 - 5
Mathhew 10:32-33
"So everyone who acknowledges me before men, I also will acknowledge before my father who is in heaven, but whoever denies me before men, I also will deny before my father "
I love Jesus! >< amenšššš
35 - 6
A little update on dreams and shadows part 2! (The gcmm) I'm gonna work on it this December! :3 I might start right now but I'll finish it in December if I can't finish it by tomorrow ^^ššš·š·
43 - 6
WAIT WHAT GUYS NO- I'M STILL ALIVE!š I'm just taking a break and already a few hundred ppl unsubedš it went from 26.1k to 25.9k PLSSSSS I just needed a breakš
54 - 5
Why did I lose 20 subs?š I'm just taking a break guys :< I promise I will upload soonš
67 - 25
Does anybody have an Heartblade or a icebreaker in mm2? I got scammed by this girl named ydraM321 and I'm willing to make u a bodysheet if you havešš I'm gonna download discord back :,>
54 - 59
Can you guess what vid is next? >:3 š
š š³ !!sneak peek!!š¬š
āÖ“āŪ«āāāāāÖ“āā× ā š āÖ“āāāŪ«āÖ“ š ā āŪ«āāāāÆāāÖ“āā×ā®
171 - 29
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ššÆš§š° š¢š£š°š¶šµ š®šŗ š¤š©š¢š³š¢š¤šµš¦š³:
Kuro is not kuromi from sanrio, although they have a very similar name, they are very far apart, she has similarities with kuro, but kuro is just a person who loves the color pink and black, please do not call me kuromi, you can Ethier call me kuro, uri, or uro
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