in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
Jerry made it through surgery ok. Now the recovery is very hard. Not really eating. Bits and pieces here and there. She constantly is trying to poo and strains and it's all liquid. Need to eat to get things healing inside. I have to say it's been a nightmare for her and me. 24 hour care. I moved downstairs to be with her. I think the pain and constant feeling of going to the toilet is stopping her appetite. Still it's a miracle she survived so now it's just a waiting game. Will take a while to get better. Love to everyone for positive support. She'll get there 💕
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New video I edited for my sister using Vegas Pro 18... I think it's time to upgrade to the new Vegas Pro 22
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Roberto Di Donato learning to be a better photographer.
I am an amateur photographer from the western suburbs of Sydney Australia. I started learning photography back in the 90's but didn't really go anywhere with it, but now in the last couple of years I have picked it up again and learning with the Olympus OMD EM10 Mark II.
This channel has tutorials on how the camera works and I go through the entire manual and make it easy to follow. I also go on photo walks with my dog Jerry and like to give tips and tricks along the way. But the main thing is to have fun with my photography and get out with my dog.
If you like photography and especially the micro four thirds world and you love dogs then subscribe. I try to make at least one video per week and its usually a fun day out with Jerry and my camera.
I have a website but there isn't much going on there. Its all happening here. Enjoy
Check out my website ROBDIDO.COM