CIFT, Nepal Creative Fashion Institute and Fashion House
Welcome to Creative Institute of Fashion Technology. We are professional group with the mindset to teach not hundreds but thousands about the fashion Industry
and provide the platform to showcase creativity and passion not just for new students but for the existing talented designers as well.
Our Courses
1. Diploma in Fashion Designing
2. Advance Diploma in Fashion Desgin
3. Diploma in Pattern Construction
4. Diploma in Fashion Accessories
5. Diploma in Boutique Management with Retial Operation
CIFT Fashion Institute, Creative Institute of Fashion Technology provides professional Fashion designing Courses, and Fashion House, for designer wear and customized designs, Fashion Styling
CIFT Fashion Institute, Fashion parade, Fashion exbitions, Designer portfolio
Tiktok- @ciftnepal
Instagram- @CiftNepal
Contact us in 01 4533471, 985-1161642