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Currently trying to have a schedule set in stone for uploads

1 year ago - 2 likes

So this was supposed to go live later today, but, I goofed with the scheduling. Anyway, here's a video on Freedom Planet 2 that goes a little more in depth with how the ranking system works.

1 year ago - 6 likes

Good afternoon everyone, just thought I'd give a quick update since I have a little downtime at the moment.

Even though I've moved already (a little over 2 weeks ago), my furniture and belongings were all moved separately. They "Should" arrive tomorrow, which means I can start working on content and streaming again next week. My aim is to have uploads again starting on the 26th, and start streaming again next week (with possibly a chill stream this weekend just cause).

I also started going back to school, but with that in mind, I already have a schedule in mind to keep things as consistent as possible. I will share that next week, but for now I'll have to end things here so that I can head to my next class. Hope everyone has a wonderful evening!

1 year ago - 6 likes

Good morning everyone,

There's been something that I've been considering for a while now, and after yesterday it only enforced my decision. I'd hate to completely alienate an audience, but starting with the next live stream I will only be streaming on Twitch.

The situation with the bots has become way too troublesome as of late, and to make things worse is that there's not much I can do outside of report and delete them (although the messages will display regardless if I delete them).

In the future I could possibly start streaming again on YouTube, but as of now this is not the ideal platform for that until that situation is fully addressed. With that said, I will announce here when I go live, and also upload the vods a Day or 2 after the streams.

With all that said, the next steeam won't be for a while. Im moving this weekend, and once I reach my destination, my setup won't be up and running again until the second half of next month. I do however, plan on having some uploads going up during that time period, and will be able to form a more consistent schedule for that and streams now that my irl stuff will have a timetable to work with. Once I'm settled in, I will release said schedule.

A longer post than usual, but this is just in case I'm unable to make an update video. Again, I apologize to those who enjoyed watching my YouTube streams, but I will be sure to upload all my vod's in order to keep everyone in the loop. That pretty much sums up everything I wanted to say, so I hope everyone enjoys the rest of their week. Stay safe out there!

1 year ago - 6 likes

Unless the issue resolves itself later this evening, there probably won't be a stream from me today. Internet is incredibly slow today, and I'm having little help from my provider since their IT is all automated messaging. Restarted my router device and it's still showing I have a weak connection, so will have to wait things out. Out of my my control, but my apologies.

1 year ago - 7 likes

No stream tonight. Cooking took a bit longer since I was experimenting with a teriyaki recipe (turned out great bu the way). I ll be on tomorrow and will aim to start around 1pm central. Have a good night everyone!

2 years ago - 8 likes

I've been waiting for an appointment for a couple hours now, so at this rate I probably won't be able to stream today seeing as I have several other things to tend to after this. As I mentioned before, I won't be able to make a solid schedule till next month, so things will still be somewhat sporadic for now. Regardless, I appreciate everyone checking out my channel, and I hope y'all have a wonderful day!

2 years ago - 3 likes

No stream for today. Although I still don't have a set schedule, I'd like to maintain Sundays as the day for myself out of the week. Since tomorrow is a holiday, ill be start streaming again on Tuesday with Three Hopes early afternoon, and Genshin Impact in the evening.

Hope everyone enjoys their weekend, and please be safe out there!

2 years ago - 1 likes

More folks showed up than usual, and even if you were just checking out the stream for a few seconds, I greatly appreciate it. For those that missed it, I went through all of the missions in Sonic Origins while going after all the "S" Ranks. I'll be revisiting the game sometime next week, and going live with Fire Emblem Three Hopes tomorrow after. Hope everyone enjoy's the rest of their day!

2 years ago - 6 likes

Good morning everyone,

There's a couple of things I wanna touch up on so I'll just get right into it. First, today's stream may start a hour later than usual as I'm working on something else. There will be another session today and tomorrow for Three Hopes, just know that it may not start at the original time that I planned for (aiming to start no later than 2 central).

Next, I'd like to apologize for another long absence with no real explanation. Instead of just talking about it here, I'd like to make an update video touching up on where I've been as well as establishing more of a schedule. I plan to have one at the beginning of August, as I've still got some things to go through for this month.

With that in mind, I'd like to have more of a focus as far as uploads. This isn't a full time gig for me by any means, but I love making content that helps people and that tends to be what viewers come to my channel for in the first place. Despite being a small channel, it always brings me joy to read comments about how helpful my videos have been for folks, and so I'd like that to be my main goal from this point forward (whether the results show on Day 1, or months later down the line).

That'll be it for now. There will be a Fire Emblem Heroes upload later today, and even with those I'm trying something new to help people understand challenging maps more as far as why I make the moves I do, and possibly help them form teams for the same challenges themselves. Back to work for me, but I'll catch y'all later!

2 years ago - 4 likes

Hey everyone, stream will happen later today than I planned. Something came up with work that needs to be taken care of today, but I'm hoping to be back and streaming no later than 4pm central today. Will keep everyone updated if something else changes!