I'm Jackster, a veteran two-time Ploscar-winning Plotagon animator who is preparing to move on to bigger things, but is currently developing one last Plotagon feature film as a proper send-off to my Plotagon career. I thank you for your continued support. I will try to upload whenever I can, and when I do, I hope I am able to produce content that all of you can enjoy. I am constantly looking to improve my craft outside of Plotagon, and I hope you will enjoy what I will have to offer!
Once Jackster's Big Movie 2 (working title) is completed, I am officially done with Plotagon. And just because I am back using it for one last film, doesn't mean I haven't forgotten about my ambitions for real animation. While the movie is in production, I will try to make some uploads on the side that showcase non-Plotagon animation!