My audience is 60% male 40% female between the ages of 10 to 70!! People that like Outdoors, Camping, Hiking, Boating! shop at Outdoor stores i.e. BassPro.. Cabelas.... Walmart etc.
Hello guys this is CAM!!....I am so happy to be showing all the guys next door how to catch Crappie. I start from the basics {101) from types of hooks to the time of day, to how easy it is to catch Crappie. Here at the "CRAPPIE HOLE" we pride ourselves at doing the little things "BIG"....You do not need a $20,000.00 boat with all the fancy can still track Crappie just by knowing there habits. There is nothing special about what I do.....and the funny thing is you can do it too. Just stay tuned and get you a seat on the Crappie Hole Sofa and learn!! Its just that simple......I am always here if you may have ???? or if you would like me to cover a specific item on my segments.If you like my videos.... please share with a friend or subscribe. We thank you so much for stopping by.