I will be discussing makeup, it's my passion and professionI have a niche though,I influence people through makeup as well as I have helped a large number of people just by them learning about me in my constant fight for life.I am a quadriplegic,I do however have some limited use of my arms and hands.I am on full life support and am considered terminal but I refuse to go. I will fight until my dreams are reached and after.I want to inspire /influence even more people through makeup and it's my hope that I can reach a lot of people and inspire them to never give up no matter how hard things seem to be,that dreams can come true, that they are beautiful and that they deserve to feel beautiful and happy.So if you want to learn about the art of makeup,or you need inspiration.Please come and join me on my journey and my dream
If you want to send anything please send to Erin Green PO Box 26041 West Kelowna, BC, V4T 2G3 Canada.
Any donations paypal.me/MakeupArtistErin I appreciate anything