You won’t find an addiction treatment center anywhere in the world like the Kiloby Center for Recovery. Co-Founded by teacher, author and speaker Scott Kiloby, our center focuses exclusively on Scott’s approach from his new book, Natural Rest for Addiction, A Revolutionary Way to Recover through Presence. The Center is located in Palm Springs, California. We aren't just an addiction treatment center. We work with clients on a broad array of issues including anxiety, depression, OCD, trauma, general unhappiness. Our Living Inquiries provide relief from all forms of unhappiness.
Scott Kiloby works at the Kiloby Center along with other trained facilitators of his approach. The Center focuses on helping people live in the natural rest, peace and joy of the present moment and clear away the negative thoughts of the past and future. Scott developed the Living Inquiries and includes them in his work at the Center. His work centers on a unique form of mindfulness.