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Myles Dyer

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Myles Dyer is an award-winning YouTube veteran, leveraging t

Myles Dyer
6 days ago - 59 likes

Hello from this Brit who doesn’t know how to control his hair in this Romanian heat! 😅 Having the most amazing time - I love this city!

Myles Dyer
1 week ago - 67 likes

Julian Assange is finally free! While incredible news, he should never have been incarcerated for so long in the first place.

Back in 2013, I had the privilege of meeting Julian at the Ecuadorian embassy. I was there to help broadcast his speech to the Oxford Union.

I will never forget his spirit and humor, which ran against the grain of the tough circumstances he found himself in. I vividly remember his light-hearted comment while we were testing the green screen with the "Collateral Murder" footage. He joked to the rest of the crew, "I'm not sure if my hair is going to be as good as his."

Before leaving, I had a brief but heartfelt conversation with him in the corridor. It was a time in my life when I was heavily involved in activism around civil liberties and political accountability, so I expressed how inspiring his work was to me. I even spoke about my "Universal Solutions Project," an educational initiative I was working on at the time..

I told him, "It may not seem like it from inside these walls, with the media being how it is, but there are many people out there who deeply appreciate everything you’ve done." The look in his eyes clearly showed the toll this was having on him.

That was over 11 years ago, and since then, his situation only intensified.

Today, many of us celebrate not just his freedom but also the immense courage and tenacity he showed. Julian's release is a powerful testament to his enduring spirit and the vital importance of his work in holding the powerful to account.

P.S. Here was a song my band ‪@SchemataTheory‬ wrote about people like Julian:

Myles Dyer
2 weeks ago - 55 likes

Watched the Netflix series Baby Reindeer on Sunday & was completely blown away.

It triggered some traumatic memories from 2009. But it also encouraged me to share my story—something I've been trying to find the courage to do since getting therapy six years ago.

So tonight on my weekly live show, I'll be sharing it. It will undoubtedly be a very challenging broadcast, but it's an important step in my recovery. I'm grateful for the supportive family, friends, and community I have. 🙌💙

Myles Dyer
2 weeks ago - 104 likes

Spent the afternoon with my hero.

Love this man more than I could possibly put into words. Happy Father’s Day dad! 🙌💙

Myles Dyer
3 weeks ago - 50 likes

Life is short, so live in love. 🙌💙

Myles Dyer
4 weeks ago - 61 likes

Need to postpone today's PS VR2 Let's Play I'm afraid, as I'm feeling super wiped out.

Apologies for the delay, but it'll be a nice Friday treat—200th game and it's a horror one for your amusement! 👻

For now, a walk in the sun, good food, and an early night. Have a good night all! 🙌💙

Myles Dyer
1 month ago - 18 likes

On #MylesDyerLIVE tomorrow, we'll be exploring AI music. To show you how impressive the tool is, let's make a song together...

1️⃣ Vote on a genre in the poll.
2️⃣ Reply to this tweet with a sentence.
3️⃣ 👍 sentences you like best.
4️⃣ I will use AI to create a song with the most popular lyrics & genre.
5️⃣ Tune into MDL tomorrow to hear it!

Go 👇

Myles Dyer
1 month ago - 18 likes

How familiar are you with ‪@OpenAI‬'s latest release: GPT-4o?

Myles Dyer
1 month ago - 96 likes

Hiked to the top of South Wales at Pen y Fan with my good friend Rob on Sunday! It was incredible.

My legs are still feeling it. 😅 #WorthIt

Myles Dyer
1 month ago - 18 likes

Question of the day!

Have you ever experienced imposter syndrome?