❗If u're reading this , I want u to remember that u're an amazing person:)
Here are some messages for u. I don't know u but those statements are true for everyone. :
U're beautiful (both your looks and your heart and especially your mind are beautiful no matter in what way)
U are worth it
U were born for a reason
U will find your meaning
U aren't dumb. Even if u're disabled in a way or have a disorder (me too) , u're intelligent in something:) it doesn't have to be math or problem solving, it can be anything! Even music , self understanding , art , empathy e.c.t!
If u're doubting those facts , try to reconsider:)
The past can't be changed so don't overthink it<3 also it helps u grow
U've tried , and if u're not trying right now , it might be time for u to rest
U will always be there for U
U will never be alone
Confidence isn't easy to archeive but it IS archeivable
Same goes for happiness , which will always come and go so it should be cherished:)
Try to live in the moment , trust me.