Welcome to the official Tick Proof Repellent YouTube channel. We encourage everyone to browse our videos to learn about the dangers of ticks and tick-borne diseases. Tick Proof produces the world's strongest tick repellent. Tick proof is custom crafted in small batches in upstate New York, all-natural, and made with five essential oils. The deadly threat has emerged as one of the world's most prolific new dangers; please refrain from allowing yourself, your family, or your friends to engage in unprotected outdoor activities. You cannot feel the bite of a tick, and by the time you realize one has attached, it may be too late. Be proactive.
Tick Proof stops the bite of all the most dangerous ticks in America, including the black-legged tick, American dog tick, Lone Star tick, Rocky Mountain wood tick, Cayenne tick, and brown dog tick.
Ticks kill - Tick Proof™ saves lives.