Yo! My name is Funz, I am an energetic lad who loves to play Minecraft! Especially with friends. I play with BB8Snyper, KingGreen, Douglassquiggly, Destronic, BigMan, and G-Charge. Destronic, Douglassquigly, and KingGreen have their own channel. I plan to make or join a server sometime, just a chill one, nothing much. Every other week I will make a video on a different game for more variety, and I will post a video every week, and I am planning to make lots of series, and those will be sorted out into playlists. I am wanting to collab with other creators, big or small, such as ItsCloudsy, Notvixios and more, but I am not able to right now, due to being kinda young. But I will make a video announcing the allowance of collaborations, when I’m allowed to. I have lots in store for this channel so stick around and as always, Enjoy the Content.