For years I used this platform to listen to music or to search for occasional how-to's. For some reason I saw a "Live" in my feed. It was several ladies just chatting among themselves so I clicked it to listen. To my surprise there was a chat to the side. I sat here reminiscing of the old days of Yahoo and MSN group chats. I still (after all these years) miss that, the people I met and all that I learned along the way.
The people that I have encountered on YouTube have opened up a whole new world for me. I just want to say thank you to all of you that have helped me, answered my questions and put up with this old lady's craziness. I won't call you out but you know who you are. I appreciate each and every one of you!
Thank you also for all the other channels you have led me to. They are both informative and entertaining.
The crude videos you find on this channel are my attempt to show you that I did listen and am trying to #dothethings