Hello my lovelies!!!!
Welcome to the description that will tell you all abt what will happen in my channel that I’m growing and also a bit abt me!!!
My base name for this channel is Charlotte and I am 14 yrs old, I have 2 friends that do gacha vids with me and might even be in some of the vids
Their names are Rose (she has a gacha yt channel but not a gacha tt acc rn) and Neleasz (She does have a gacha tt n yt)
Roses yt - Rose
Nelease yt- Neleasz
My tt- @ Charlotterdaily
Anyways my content will be mostly about trends, some drama that happened to me in rl, fake scenarios (rare) and finally animation like videos that’s are made but multiple screenshots
I will start with posting my animate like vids and trends to try to grow this channel so then I can tell you funny and dramatic stuff that happened in rl.
This channel will respect all culture, race and religion ect
I hope you have a wonderful day, night, afternoon, evening or morning where ever you are
Goodbye and be safe <3