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Copy Cat

249 subscribers - no pronouns set

I game more then any other has ever gamed I have never even

Copy Cat
2 months ago - 2 likes


Guess who remembered the password to their account.

I am joking around but in all seriousness I do plan on making videos again, I've been grinding some work stuff to get the extra money to buy a better mic, and finally actual lighting in my room so I feel better about recording my face.

I also want to be fully transparent with the people who watch my videos and say that to be honest part of the reason I stopped making videos was just how badly I thought overwatch was being mishandled, and I know it may seem crazy with how much I hate on the game but I genuinely love this game and wanted to see nothing other then its success.

All of that being said expect monthly sort of guidelines(not 100% accurate but should be close) on the 1st every month from here on out expect about 2 videos a week. One of which will be Overwatch 2 themed in some way 100% of the time, the other video will be something of my own choice that I choose cover and I will go more in depth later in this.

The first video that I will be making is about the "State of the Game" in Overwatch 2 right now, from my perspective and go over some of the good and bad decisions that are being made.

This video WILL be out in the next 2 days after this post(my guess is likely the 2nd but who knows) and I obviously don't wanna go too deep into that since its mostly gonna just be me explaining the state of overwatch 2 right now including my thoughts on all 3 roles, Reinhardt(specifically as a rein main), Venture, previous mythics being earnable next season, and the most important change to me, the heros no longer locked behind the battlepass.

The next video after that will be a pattern that(should) stay around for the foreseeable future as it is a passion project of mine and something that I have been dying to start but couldn't. This project is an evolution of my channels previous series before I uploaded most of the Overwatch 2 stuff, that being the Platinum Passage, this new series that I am calling "Unveiled" will cover more then just games(although I will still cover lots of games) and I wanted to start with something important to me. BLEACH is my favorite anime/manga of all time and is what I will be starting the series with so if you aren't into anime or manga I completely understand but still hope you check it out(honestly just watch AOT if you dont like anime that should convince you.)

I will list a small bit of info on the first episode to see if you are interested but if you were here for the Overwatch stuff, the image bellow should have all of the estimated dates and videos to come out this month so I hope you check them out.

Stay safe out there and thank you for reading.

"Unveiled: The Brother and The Spirits" will be the first of many Bleach themed Unveiled episodes to release on this channel as I plan to cover the entire anime and manga. Yes that means the filler arcs in the anime, but those videos will be a bit more on the goofy side and be more silly then anything else. This first episode will cover the first disk from the Blu-ray which features episodes 1-7 of the anime and chapters 1-17 of the manga, and will release likely between 4/4/24 - 4/7/24. These videos will be formated the same, although the style may change from week to week. Each episode will start a summary with me pointing out important details, personal remarks about the story, and honestly a whole lot of gushing for Kubo's writing and art. After this part of the video there will be a rating of each of the 7 episodes which should be pretty fast where I will review the chapters/episodes with maybe a line or 2 about each before the final section. Which will be a more free form discussion(aka I wanna be able to yap about whatever I want for however long I want), this discussion will be much more in depth and will likely contain spoilers for later chapters as I want to be able to mention the foreshadowing. I WILL put a spoiler warning before that point in the video no matter what. This freeform discussion is gonna be the more inconsistent more personal section where sometimes for example I may go on a random 10 minute rant about something that people overlook and often criticize Kubo for when he is literally doing it before their eyes, or I may just make a short 5 to 10 minute telling of a story for why I love a character so much. I once again hope some of you guys check it out but don't feel like you ever have to.

See Below The Schedule for this Month + here's the Thumbnail for the first Unveiled Episode.

Also PS Thumbnail is kind of scuffed with the preview but I'm late to work so deal with it.

Copy Cat
1 year ago - 2 likes

Sorry about the lack of shop video this week, my internet has been extremely spotty and I was finishing up this newest video. Next week expect a shop video at the normal time

Copy Cat
1 year ago - 3 likes

If you are just expecting item shop videos know that I am going to continue doing them for the foreseeable future but know that I am gonna upload other things as well, I am going to start uploading regularly again so be warned.