Whenever you write or print you are revealing your personality, both strengths and weaknesses through the body language that you use when you write. Each stroke or letter you write says something about your personality. Your signature is your 'written face' to the world.
Learn how to project the image you want with your signature, and actually developing these traits. Once you write naturally with the new stroke, the trait it denotes becomes part of your personality. You achieve two things at once - showing the world who you want to show them and becoming that person at the same time.
Handwriting Analysis or Graphology is the scientific understanding of body language as shown through handwriting.
Also you will find some videos on using Handwriting Analysis along with Tarot. They work beautifully together. The Tarot portrays a situation or event and the handwriting shows how this particular personality is likely to respond or react to it. Each enhances the other so perfectly.