I cover rock, metal, funk, RnB, EDM, country, pop and hip-hop drum samples/VSTs/plugins. Most of the time I am playing the samples/plugins live via e-drums. I've reviewed software from companies such as GetGood Drums, Hertz Drums, ML Drums, BFD, Mixwave, Room Sound, Bogren Digital and more -- and it's a blast to do it!
About me: I've been drumming for 25+ years with both acoustic and electronic drums. I've had many edrum kits in my life, from Yamaha to Roland to Alesis to Simmons to a DIY kit made from wood, mouse pads and PVC (hey, I was young). Currently, I play a Roland TD17kv drum kit with a few addons: an extra CY-5 cymbal, a Lemon 13" ride & three rack-mounted PD8 rubber pads. I use a 2Box Drumit 5 module purely as a trigger-to-MIDI interface for the PD8s. The TD17 module goes via USB to the PC. The 2Box module sends MIDI out to a MIDI-to-USB converter and then via USB to the PC. A Focusrite Scarlett Solo is my audio interface.
Thank you so much for checking out the channel!