#gambus #sayyidab #elkisa #gambuselkisa #gambus2022 #gambusterbaik #gambusmelayu #gambusmodern #orkesgambus #musik #gambus #arabianmusic #gambus #gambusindonesia #gambussholawat #gambusbalasyik #gambusarab #gambuslawas #gambusklasik #darulhadits #darulhaditsalfaqihiyyah #musikterbaru2022 #mushollawalisongo
Gambus is a type of stringed instrument originating from the Middle East of Arabia. This musical instrument has a function as an accompaniment to the zapin dance and singing at the time of a wedding or thanksgiving party. This musical instrument is synonymous with singing that breathes Islam. Gambus music in the Middle East is called oud. Gambus uses kasidah verses, gambus invites people to get closer to Allah and follow the morals of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. Gambus is used as a means of da'wah.
May we get blessings from listening to gambus songs on the Elkisa Channel which contains prayers, advice, and many more meaningful poetry content. Amen.
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