The Venture Capitalist Channel was Created for the Sole Purpose to Document the Journey of One Venture Capitalists as he Maneuvers thru Our Times Greatest Moment of Transition from Fiat Currency to Crypto Currency that will open up Endless & New Opportunities for Investment and Wealth that will be Available to the Masses That are Actually aware of them. These new Investment Opportunities will Bring Gains to the Few That are Paying Attention During All the Distractions of the World and these Gains will be 2000 times any current normal investment. It will be Like having the Opportunity to invest in every Major Company that you have ever missed as an Investor or as a Outsider with no information to draw your attention to the Next BIG THING. Watch as the Venture Capitalist Rides this Massive Wealth Title Wave to a Place that Only 1% of Current People on Earth have the Luxury to Be, While Leaving behind the Very Steps and Blue Prints to the Path He is on... God Bless and FREEDOM for ALL..